
Struggling Academically From Homework

You may think you do everything to make sure your child does not suffer academically, but you cannot predict everything. Life is full of ups and downs. Now it is your turn to consider strategies listed below when it gets really tough.

Let them feel frustrated and angry.

Often while students have hardships with some home assignment or a school-relate subject, they burst out with sudden anger. Naturally, you ask yourself “What mistake did I make?” But it does not mean that you actually did. This is a common child’s reaction. He sort of tries to provoke you as a parent. This is their way to make you feel just as frustrated, angry and helpless as they are.  Allow them to burst out their anger once and for all. Just always be there and show your support. Because if you do not, your child will rather choose to get essays online or some other professional help, after all.

Give your child a break.

Remember a situation where your child throws away his pencil saying that he can’t do something. Don’t push it. Give him 10-20 minutes to relax and calm down and then start all over. These 10-20 minutes will definitely save you an hour of a complete struggle. By the way, don’t try to discuss their problems after all. Just get over it.

Rational conversations aren’t always helpful.

It does not mean that you need to avoid it at all. You just need to find a more suitable timing. If your child is upset with school’s situation, just let him cool down. He might not be rational when he is angry and you can only make the situation worth.

Time limit.

Consider putting a time limit on a work. Ask your child’s teacher how much time he should spend doing particular home assignment. If your child is actively trying but still struggles a lot which leads him to exceeding the limit, you need to write a note to the teacher explaining that this is all that he could do. But it is a matter for the discussion for younger kids.

School work will always have conflict situations.

You can hardly find someone saying that he never experienced any battles with school homework. Yes, it will be interesting and fascinating at times. However, there will be a time when they will have to do it and it is your duty to give a helping hand.
There are many ways of how you can make this process more interesting and entertaining. Here are just a few tips:
-decorate the working area (still make sure it is not too distracting)
– use colored pencils
– participate in research projects. Meaning, do actual experiments.
In other words, it is up to you whether your child enjoys doing home assignments or not. Remember, that you can always try to avoid conflicts at all costs. And, by the way, you feel that certain assignment is becoming a dreaded battle, you need to contact school and discuss this issue. No need to wait for your next conference.
And again, you may try to predict all situations, but sudden emergencies do pop up. Just follow these tips and don’t overreact.