
Spring Weather: How To Prepare Your Home For Varying Temps

Spring Weather: How To Prepare Your Home For Varying Temps

Spring storms and heat waves can take quite a toll on your home, and that is why you need to get your property ready for the changing seasons. Carrying out a few simple projects in the coming weeks could reduce your cooling costs and prevent major storm damage. Here are a few steps that you can take to make your home as efficient as possible.

Inspect the Insulation

Once or twice a year, you should check all of the insulation throughout your home for tearing, matting, or mold. If you notice any damage, then you will need to blow in new insulation or completely replace the rolls. Those who have recently moved into a new home should make sure that their insulation has the proper R-value as well. The R-value is determined by the insulation’s thermal resistance, and having the right insulation could save you hundreds every year.

Service the HVAC System

In addition to having your air conditioner serviced, you should also have an HVAC contractor look over your furnace or heater. Spring is the perfect time to plan for a heating unit installation project, such as repairing or replacing a unit that is no longer working properly. The contractor can also check the thermostat to make sure that it is accurate and turning on when it is supposed to. Most modern HVAC systems need to be serviced by a professional at least twice a year.

Check the Roof for Damage

Damaged shingles and roof boards are going to wreak havoc on your energy bills. A few times a year, you should head into your attic and make sure that there are no pinholes or cracks in the roof. You should also keep an eye out for mold, standing water, and any other signs that the roof might be letting water in. Repairing a few damaged shingles could help you avoid expensive problems later on.

Reverse Your Ceiling Fans

Many homeowners don’t realize that they are supposed to reverse their ceiling fans when the weather begins to warm up. During the hottest months of the year, your fans should spin counterclockwise in order to create a cool breeze. Instead of turning your air conditioner on as soon as the weather warms up, you should strategically use your windows and ceiling fans. You can also open and close your curtains to block sunlight at various points throughout the day.

Spring cleaning isn’t the only thing that you should be thinking about over the next few weeks. A little bit of preventative maintenance will help you keep your energy bills at a manageable level during the worst heat waves of the year.