
Simple Home Remedies To Relieve Lower Back Pain

According to some estimates, as many as 80 percent of adults will deal with lower back pain at sometime in their lives. The pronounced curve in the lower back makes it particularly susceptible to strains and pressure.  While they may cause discomfort, a minor strain of the lower back does not always need medical attention. They can be treated with a number of home remedies.


Although your instincts may tell you to lie down and let your back muscles rest, you will actually do more good by continuing to move around. Exercise increases blood flow throughout the body and helps to stimulate muscles that support the back. You should also incorporate stretching into your routine to provide flexibility for back muscles. Keeping your core (the muscles of the trunk of the body) strong can help to prevent recurring back problems. As your back improves, increase the exercise to keep supporting muscles strong.

Heat & Ice Packs

Alternating ice and heat packs can help reduce acute pain in the lower back. The ice reduces inflammation in damaged tissues. The heat can then increase blood flow to the area for fast healing. Apply ice packs for ten minutes, and then, apply the heat packs for ten minutes. Allow twenty minutes in between these alternating sessions.


The muscles of the lower back can become tense as a result of trying to protect the painful area. Massage therapy can help to increase circulation to the area, reduce the tension in muscles and release pain-reducing chemicals in the body that help to relieve low back pain. Many people who experience lower back pain on a regular basis find that weekly massages can be helpful in managing discomfort.

Hot Baths

A hot bath can be a good way to relieve lower back pain. The warmth can relax constricted muscles and bring more blood to the area. Warm water can also increase circulation so that you can move more easily.

Good Posture

Because the sway in the lower back makes it susceptible to strain and injury, individuals should pay particular attention to posture while walking, sitting or standing. Always use a supportive chair at work can help to relieve pressure on the vertebrae. Avoid positions in which the back is arched or cannot be well supported, causing the person to slump while seated.

Improve Your Sleep Position

Your sleep position may be contributing to your back problem by keeping the spine in an unhealthy position throughout the night. Examine your sleep position carefully. You may need to help re-position your body during sleep by playing a pillow under your knees, using a body pillow if you sleep on your side or replacing your mattress with one that offers more support for the spine.

If Pain Continues, See A Specialist

If these measures do not offer relief or if the pain returns, make an appointment with an orthopedic specialist. These physicians specialize in the diseases and problems of the bones and spine. They will be able to develop a personalized treatment plan to ease your discomfort.