
Shilajit – Benefits & Medicinal Uses

Shilajit – Benefits & Medicinal Uses

Shilajit is a blackish-brown powder which mainly found in mid Himalayans range between India and Nepal. In India, Shilajit is basically present in the Himalayas region. It is much benefited for people who suffering for various disease. It is a phytocomplex very rich in fulvic acid. The researchers hypothesize that Shilajit is produced by the decomposition of plant material from species.

In the Ayurvedic, shilajit is also known as silajatu or shilajatu. Its meaning in Sanskrit is “conqueror of mountains and destroyer of weakness.” It botanical name of shilajit is Asphaltum. It is bitter in taste, and its smell resembles cow’s stale urine. It has high anti-oxidant content and bio-regenerative properties

Shilajit is mainly containing humic substances, especially as fulvic acid. Shilajit is one of best medicines of Ayurveda. It contain about 60% to 80% of nutraceutical compound and selenium which has anti-aging properties.  The properties of fulvic acid which make this herb very unique. Fulvic acid has properties like anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and memory enhancer. It is the best ayurvedic medicine for Alzheimer’s disease. Shilajit is protector of the liver which maintains proper secretion of enzymes and juices. In this way treating it help in increase the metabolism. It is best anti-microbial action which protects the body.

It is a strong immune system booster and protects the body from all diseases and infections. It helps in treating respiratory problems. Shilajit is best anti-histamine which helps in curing various allergies.

Common Names:

Vegetable Asphalt, Mineral Pitch


Shilajit can be found in the Himalayan area, Tibet and Nepal.

Part Is Used


Renew Your Cells

In shilajit fulvic acid is present. With the help of this acid nutrients are easily absorb.  Shilajit has ability to rejuvenate a cell by driving oxygen and nutrients into the cell.It also remove the impurities from the body and act as natural antioxidant activity.


Taste (Rasa): Pungent, bitter, salty, astringent

Energy (Virya): Heating

Post-digestive quality (Vipaka): Pungent

Quality (Guna): Dry, heavy

Tissue (Dhatu): All the tissues

Shilajit Benefits / Medicinal Uses:


Children, pregnant or nursing mothers also avoid shilajit.