
Serious Home Improvements that Increase Resale Value

Making certain home improvements can increase the value of your home dramatically. Although you might have to make a substantial investment for these repairs, you’ll likely see a hefty payoff when it comes time to sell your property. These four serious home improvements can make your home more valuable on the market.

A Kitchen Remodel

Renovating your kitchen with new appliances, countertops and cupboards can go a long way when it comes to your home’s resale value. Adding new paint to the walls can also help your kitchen look fresher and more appealing to potential buyers. However, your kitchen’s design should still match the overall design theme of your home. As Money Crashers points out, a deluxe kitchen in a historic home might take away from its natural charm and alienate buyers.

New Windows

Having new windows installed can improve your home’s curb appeal. Windows that are energy-efficient will help cut down on utility costs, which will be an advantage for buyers. Tinted glass on your windows can filter out heat and intense sunlight. The framing around your windows will also be new, which can enhance the look of your home’s interior and exterior. To make your new windows look even nicer, you can use motorized window shades or other types of window coverings.

Bathroom Renovations

The bathrooms in your home can be updated to help drive more foot traffic from people who are looking to buy. New toilets, showers, bathtubs, and tiles may be in order to give each bathroom a magical touch. You’ll obviously spend less on renovation costs if all of your bathrooms don’t have each of these features. If you want to save money on your remodeling project, Bankrate states that new toilet seats and pedestal sinks are usually easy to install and won’t cost you a fortune.

A New Deck

Most people enjoy spending time outdoors on their properties when the weather is favorable, and a new deck will certainly add value to your home. You can choose to install a deck that’s attached to your home or one that’s detached and sits out farther in your yard. Steps should be included if your deck will be on a different level from your yard. Guardrails and other safety features on your deck will be especially appealing for buyers who have young children.

These home improvements will likely raise your home’s equity substantially and can help you sell your property faster. Making the right improvements can help your home stand out on the market and generate more foot traffic.