
Save Money and Save Mother Earth: Tips On How To Conserve Electricity

Electricity bill probably takes up the bulk of your utilities. Thus, saving electricity is one way to lessen your monthly expenses and increase your funds for emergency or investment. On top of that, conserving electricity also stops global warming. In line with this, here are some simple tips on how to reduce the amount of electricity you consume.

  1. Replace your regular incandescent light bulbs with more energy-efficient types of light bulbs such as LED or compact fluorescent (CFL) light. CFL were the first energy-saving alternative to incandescent light bulbs. However, be careful when disposing CFL bulbs because they contain mercury. LED lights are the safest of them all because they do not have mercury and lasts longer. Although they are costly at first, you will save more in the long run.
  1. Turn off the lights whenever possible. Be mindful of the number of lights used at the same time. Open up your curtains in the morning to let natural light come through instead of solely relying to artificial light. Let your home office or work space be near the natural light panes in your home. When buying curtains, choose those which comes in lighter hues. Do not also forget to turn the lights off whenever you are leaving.
  1. Replace old appliances with energy-efficient models. Old models of appliances were not designed to conserve electricity; as opposed to new ones. Replacing your appliances with new ones would not only help you save monthly bills but would also reduce your overall carbon footprint. Same goes with malfunctioning home appliances for they consume more electricity. If you do not have enough money to buy new appliances yet; schedule an appointment to diagnose and repair your home appliance.
  1. Find ways in reducing appliance use. Air conditioners usually take up a lot of energy so make you do not over—indulge in using it, even on summers. Have it turned off when the air is finally cold enough to sustain for hours. Limit baking to one or two days weekly. Same goes with using the washing machine, dedicate an errand day you would not only save energy costs, but time as well. Moreover, turn off your television, computer sets and other entertainment devices when not in use.
  1. Do not leave appliances in standby mode. They can use up to 80-90% as much as when they are completely on. Thus, it is really a huge waste on your part if you’re consuming electricity that you have not even enjoyed. Turn them off completely instead rather than putting them on standby.
  1. Keep the freezer full. Did you know that a full freezer consumes lesser electricity than an empty or partially full freezer? Aside from frozen meat, you may also add ice cubes and frozen dairy products. Make sure to also regularly defrost your freezer and refrigerator.
  1. Lessen the washing machine’s water temperature. 90% of washing machine’s consumption of energy is incurred on heating the water. Not only that, washing clothes using hot water could cause shrinking. Additionally, air-dry laundry instead of using a dryer, especially when the climate is hot or warm. Naturally died clothes smell better too.
  1. Have your home insulated. Proper insulation does not only help you save a huge amount of electricity costs, but also keeps your home from leaking air (both from air-conditioner and thermostat). In having your home insulated, consider the attic, walls and ceiling.

With these simple lifestyle changes, you could save significant amounts of money spent on bills. Simultaneously, it is a way of actively saving the environment.