
Root Canals are Your Affordable Option

Informative Root Canal Dental Article

When a person is in a great amount of pain from an infected tooth, their dentist may suggest that they need a root canal. The procedure is completed as a way to treat the infection while saving the patient’s natural tooth. Patients would often prefer to undergo affordable root canals rather than extraction of the tooth with replacement of an implant or removable prosthetic device. The root canal option may be a better option in order to attempt to save the tooth without having a larger expense in replacing the tooth, if extracted.

Possible Causes of an Infected Tooth

A root canal is performed on teeth in which the pulp has deteriorated and is potentially infected. The pulp is the soft tissue found inside the tooth and is essential during the development of a growing tooth. In an adult tooth, the pulp serves primarily as indicator of tooth health or pathology. If the infection is not addressed with a root canal, it will often form an abscess which may require more extensive treatments.

Treating an Abscess

The pain from an abscess is coming from deep within the tooth in the root area. The pain of an abscess will often bring even the most reluctant patient to see the dentist. However, if an abscess is left untreated, the condition will likely continue to get worse. There will also be a greater chance of having to extract the infected tooth. In rare cases the infection can spread, causing further complications to the patient’s health.

Symptoms of an Abscess

The most obvious symptom of an abscess can be a tremendous amount of pain at the site of the infected tooth. The area on the gum may also be red and swollen. Additionally, it can cause the gum or soft tissue covering the tooth to swell. There may be a fever or the patient may generally not feel well.

Root Canal Process

The pulp that is infected is removed during an affordable root canal. After the infected areas are removed from the inside of the tooth, the pulp area is filled typically with a thermoplastic material called gutta percha. The tooth is then restored with a filling or a crown and the tooth can then function as normal.

Reasons for a Root Canal

Root canal therapy allows patients to keep their natural teeth. There are many benefits to keeping as opposed to replacing your natural teeth.. One is that the chewing and biting habits of the patient are not disrupted. Also, it is a way to maintain a natural appearance. Although there are many excellent procedures for implants or prosthetics, many times none are as “natural-looking” as ones own natural tooth. Many times, teeth that have undergone a root canal may last as long as the patient’s other natural teeth.
Although root canals have the reputation of being extremely painful and complicated, if treated early, the process can many times be completed relatively quickly. Patients who have their their infected teeth treated quickly stand a much better prognosis.

This article brought to you by Doctor William H. Miller D.M.D. of