
Ready For Spring? 3 Home Upgrades You Won’t Want To Wait On

It may be cold now, but it’s not too cold for you to consider sprucing up your home in time for spring. These updates will not only beautify your abode but will make it safer and more secure. Here are three home upgrades:

Security Screens

These screens are far more aesthetically pleasing than ugly and unwelcoming grilles on windows that are often left open. Some are made of quality stainless steel that’s locked into aluminum frames in ways that keep the metals from actually contacting. Because of this, there’s no danger that they will react with each other and corrode. The screens have a long-lasting black powder coating that gives them a sophisticated look. They have a special, ultra-secure locking system, and you can order frames that can accommodate sliding screens. These may not be offered by every hardware store, so look out for local retailers like Southern Cross Blinds & Awnings to see what they have in stock.

Paint the Floors

If your hardwood floors are looking a bit careworn and you don’t quite have the money to completely replace them why not paint them? You can do it yourself over a few days. First, pry away the baseboard or cover it with masking tape, hammer down any nails that pop up and sand the floor until it’s smooth. Vacuum, wash and rinse it. Cover up the bottoms of the door and shut the windows to keep out dust. Paint the borders with a brush attached to an extension pole, then paint the rest of the floor with a roller on an extension pole. Paint with the grain, and paint your way out of the room. When the floor is dry, apply one or two coats of polyurethane. If you’re adding two coats, make sure the first coat is dry before you add the second.

Spruce up the Bathroom

This can range from painting the walls or installing mosaic tile to a complete renovation where even the plumbing is torn out and replaced. But some other ideas for the bathroom are to install a floor mounted shower to go with a stand-alone tub or replacing the old vanity top with one of sumptuous stone. You might want to replace the vanity completely with a repurposed Victorian commode or another piece of furniture that used to belong in another room.

If no one in your household is a bath person, consider taking out the tub and replacing it with a luxurious, state-of-the-art shower with beautiful glass tile on the walls, modern drains, and a control panel that regulates the temperature and pressure of the shower.

Stop dreaming of what you are going to do when the weather warms up a bit. Do these upgrades now, and they will be ready to enjoy when spring finally comes around.