
Ramp Up Your Walking Regime

Do you love to walk but aren’t feeling a difference in your body shape or stamina? Our bodies quickly adapt to routines and tend to not change much if our workouts don’t change.  There are three ways to jazz up your walking routine and begin to see terrific results.  One key factor to be mindful of is the impact your diet has on your metabolism, energy level and body shape. Eighty percent of the battle of the bulge is won or lost in the kitchen.  Make sure you’ve cleaned your pantry and fridge of junk food, processed food and unhealthy snacks.  Once you’ve begun developing healthy eating habits, try these three steps to ramp up your walking regime. Here’s the breakdown on maximizing duration, frequency and intensity.

After a few short weeks of the above routine, you’ll begin to not only see a difference in your shape, but have a renewed sense of energy and begin to look forward to your daily walks. Whether you’re walking around the neighborhood, a big box store or on a treadmill in the gym, be sure to use a quality moisturizer and drink plenty of water to stay well hydrated.