
Quick and Practical Tips To Make Your Home Warm and More Inviting

Oftentimes we view modern home designs as cold – cold as in the sense that monochrome and simplistic designs are a norm and minimalism is observed. Modern homes are amazing, but it doesn’t need to be cold and drab.

In this article, we will present some decorating tips that can convert your new home into a haven of relaxation for you, the entire family and your guests.

Think fashionable, but stay comfy. With the rise of online shopping, it’s very hard to suppress the urge just to buy every furniture we stumble upon. However, a cosy home goes more than its looks. It’s actually about enhancing the sweet sense of familiarity in the room.

Do it this way, when you test a seating for your house, try to imagine yourself lounging in it with a book, just passing hours by. Do you feel the vibe, the comfort? If this is the case, then you found the right one, if not, just keep searching. A furniture should give both comfort and style.

Choose warm colours. Colours have this subtle, yet powerful ability to evoke different moods and emotions, which makes this design factor very interesting. Take note that while cool colours like blue, dark green and purple can visually enhance rooms, warmer tones like brown, peach-orange, and red can make a room feel more compact and more inviting.

Texturize. One quick trick to create a more welcoming home impression is by supplementing texture. Fill the room with things that are nice to touch. You can try adding fluffy carpets, wacky and wavy wallpapers or smooth wooden furniture. All of these can be quickly added in any modern room, in turn making it look and feel less rigid and effortlessly comfortable. Furthermore, when working on styling a large room, proper use of texture and fabric will lessen the scale and give that much-sought sense of cosiness and style.

Use multiple lighting sources. We sometimes forget the powerful effects lighting can bring to a room. It may seem mysterious, but using just a few fixtures in particular locations can quickly create a taller, bigger, or cosier look. What makes lighting so great at emulating warmth and comfort is the simple effect of repetition. You can reduce the scale of the room by placing some table lamps around, which also creates an intimate atmosphere. Ceiling light should only be used for larger gatherings and formal events.

Embrace diversity. There is unity in diversity – especially when it comes to designs. Purchasing a big furniture set with everything in it can be the wisest way of filling up a room, but it’s not always the most suited. And you don’t want your home looking like a showroom anyway. In fact, this will be the effect of purchasing every item in a single place. Diversity is the key to create a vivid interior, one that makes you serene and appeal to your guests at the same time.

The bottom line

The best tip to make a home warmer and more inviting is by actually purchasing a home in a community that fosters pleasant living. Check out Adelaide housing and land packages from Lendlease to start home hunting if you’re still looking for that one special property to call your home.

Lastly, when moving into a new house, it’s important to surround yourself with the things you love since your home is a place that reflects who you are – everything else will slowly fall in place. Get started!