
Protect Your Workplace: Simple But Effective Measures for On-Site Security

Security is one of the most important parts of running your business. Without it, you leave yourself and your employees vulnerable to theft or worse. Furthermore, customer data can be leaked and cause mass confusion, lawsuits, and reputation battles. Don’t take the risks of being broken into. Use the four methods below to protect your workplace once and for all.

Security Cameras

If you don’t see a threat, it is impossible to stop it. And this is the main idea behind having a security camera near the exits and entrances of your work. Your team can monitor the cameras from a safe distance. You can also watch a live feed from your phone or device to alert the authorities if you see anything suspicious. Of course, it also helps by letting you hand evidence over to the police to prosecute in the case of theft.

Motion Activated Lights

The downside about cameras is that they can’t see anything at night. However, this is an issue that is easily fixable. If you have motion sensors on your lights at night, you can light up your building like Fort Knox. A criminal won’t even know what hit them. And luckily one of two things will likely happen. They will either run off immediately or become frozen and leave enough time for police to catch them or for your system to get a nice glimpse.

Card Activated Locks

When your employees are coming and going from the building, they might just be used to pushing the door open. However, anyone could do this. Without any kind of card security, there is no guarantee as to who will be entering your office. It is safer to use locks that require key cards to be tapped or swiped.

Security Gates

Having gates on the perimeter is a huge deterrent to criminal activity. It means they would first have to hop it, or not be able to bring their vehicle through if they are planning something bigger. This should be a basic tenet of your security plan.

On-site security is one of those things that every business owner needs, but few think about until it is too late. You don’t want to wait until someone is harmed or you have important cash, data, or products stolen. Use the tips above. Then, your workplace will have all the security it needs to keep intruders out. And the best part is, you can finally have peace of mind.