
Practical Fashion For Every Occasion

The English love their gardens. Perhaps it is because in the modern world a family’s garden is a place to escape and create something natural, and hopefully quiet away from the realities of working and handling the modern responsibilities that everyone faces. The popularity of famous gardens around the country is evidence of that love. Television programmes focus on that love and provide plenty of ideas about the creation of an attractive garden.

The Garden

Even in nice weather gardening enthusiasts have to have boots. There is rarely a month once spring arrives that gardeners haven’t got something to do in the garden. Some things are merely maintenance and even the keenest gardener has to do the mundane like a little weeding. The real joy is to create a garden where there are plants and shrubs that provide colour from the end of winter until it returns and evergreens that will make the garden attractive even through the winter months. In the winter there is far less to do in the garden.

With the flooding about this winter the last thing you might be thinking about is fashion but there’s nothing wrong with fashion if it is practical in the circumstances. Winter clothing and footwear is made to do a job. When it comes to keeping your feet dry or even wading through water you need wellington boots.

A History of Comfort

Hunter wellies with free delivery thrown in are just the thing you need. Comfortable footwear is important at all times and Hunter is not just a name. The mass production of rubber led to many new products coming on to the market; the ‘Hunter’ brand dates back to the middle of the 19th century. It was the name in boots by the time the First World War came along so it was natural for the British Army to go to the company for footwear to combat the flooded trenches.  The company made well over 1m pairs for the Army and when the phone rang at the start of the Second World War, Hunter answered the call again.

There is little incentive to go out in poor weather, but life has to go on. Employees are expected to get to work, children to school, and there’s always the grocery shopping. These activities go on come rain or shine.


The UK’s climate is unpredictable.  A day in the country often requires wellies in the car boot just in case. Everyone likes the countryside and wellingtons are often a sure sign of an affinity to the rural life. The ‘Green Welly Brigade’ is the deprecating name for the well-heeled in rural life that enjoy the country pursuits. It was one of the reasons why this form of footwear was able to cross the line from practical and comfortable footwear primarily for wet days and muddy underfoot conditions to also become a fashion item.