
Portrait Painting: An Ancient Art of Royalties



There are many types of representation used as artistic representations of a person in which the face and expression of the person is predominant. Some of these types include painting, photograph, sculpture and other artistic expressions. Among these many types, the most popular is the portrait painting. Portrait painting is one of the categories in painting where the intent is to depict the visual appearance of the subject. It either features an individual image or in groups. Most of them also feature a human body that conveys a deep meaning within.

Portrait painters are able to emphasize the details of a certain subject to boost up the ordinary appearance to a more elegant and classic one.  A portrait painting could turn out to be one exceptional product if the skills and knowledge of its painter is extraordinary and truly an expert on such field. A number of mediums were also used in portrait painting but one of the most popular mediums of this kind of painting is oil.Portrait painting is not only ideal for memory preservation and decoration purposes. In fact, this is also an ideal gift option for your special someone. A portrait with a customized subject of personal picture, pets or even nature could really gain a lot of complements from the recipient as well as from other viewers.

On the other hand, if you have once visited ancient and traditional houses, you could observe that there are a lot of portrait paintings decorated on their walls. In the past, portrait paintings played a great role in distinguishing rich people from poor ones. Portrait painting was once known as an art of royalties because only wealthy individuals could afford to take such portraits. Availing such personal portrait or painting could be no less very expensive that’s why only royalties and rich people could avail their personal portrait painting.On one side, portrait paintings are believed to have originated in Egypt because of the paintings and other inscriptions found inside the pyramids.

One of the popular and splendid examples of this particular type of painting is the masterpiece of Leonardo Da Vince which is “Mona Lisa”. Michelangelo, Raffael and Tizian are also some of the famous portrait painters who are greatly renowned worldwide because of their outstanding artworks. Each one of them has their own unique styles, designs and concepts.

In today’s era of modern technology, the art of portrait painting is still recognized and appreciated by many since this kind of art is designed for a long term life. However, the price of a particular painting remains expensive compared to the ordinary photograph that has no assurance to live longer than a portrait that has a century lifetime. Prices may vary depending on skills of your portrait painter but in the end, expect that there will be no cheap price for a magnificent artwork.