Picking The Perfect Protein Source For You

Protein plays a powerful role in our physical bodies. Protein is the building block of muscle strengthening and the foundation of healthy cells. Protein is extremely important for the bones, muscles, cartilage, skin, and blood. Traditionally, many consumers see protein as a meat-specific nutrient, however, there are a variety of meat-free protein sources that have become increasingly popular. For example, more and more restaurants are using plant-based burgers that pack plenty of protein from alternative ingredients.
Protein is one of the many substances the body needs to function optimally. Improving your overall health means maintaining a balanced diet and this is not one that thrives off protein alone. Your diet may lack several other substances which can be efficiently received through a quality vitamin supplement. Consumer Advisors provides clear and concise reviews on some of the latest supplements on the market and will help you make an informed purchase.
The following article will assess the benefits of today’s top sources of protein. This guide is geared towards helping you, as a consumer, select the right source of protein for you.
Meat is argued to be one of the best sources of protein. Cuts of beef or lamb contain essential amino acids that improve the functioning of the body. These meats are rich in iron, zinc, and selenium. Iron promotes the body’s ability to transport oxygen which improves nutrient flow and increases energy. Zinc encourages the reparation of cells which leads to healthier tissue formation and cardiovascular function. Selenium breaks down fat for improved weight loss and helps remove toxic chemicals from the body. Along with these powerful minerals, meat provides vitamins that are necessary for overall health. Vitamin A, B, and D work to increase bone strength, improve skin complexion, promote clearer vision, and support the central nervous system. As great as these are, meat is not void of downfalls. Red meats can be high in saturated fats which raise blood cholesterol. High levels of bad cholesterol is a common contributor to heart disease.
The most common poultry dish is chicken. Chicken is referred to as white meat and is a popular source of protein. White meat is a leaner source of protein than red meat as it contains fewer fats. It is, therefore, argued to be a healthier option. This is because the lack of fat alleviates increases in blood pressure and cholesterol levels which are contributors to cardiovascular disease. Poultry and eggs are packed with vitamins and minerals that can improve overall health. Firstly, both of these sources of protein boost the immune system. The abundant levels of magnesium, iron, and potassium found in white meat and Vitamin A and B12 found in eggs play a crucial role in immune function. These vitamins and minerals strengthen cells that fight off damaging free radicals. While these protein sources offer several additional benefits, white meat does not contain the highest concentrations of vitamins and minerals that can be found in other sources of protein.
Plant-based proteins are exceptional meat substitutes that cater to vegan and vegetarian lifestyles. They are incredibly powerful and should not be dismissed when seeking an optimal protein source. Nuts are a plant-based protein that contain healthy fats and plenty of fiber. Unsaturated fats found in nuts are argued to lower bad cholesterol levels. The high amounts of fiber in this protein improves digestive function. Omega-3 fatty acids are also found in this protein and these acids support heart rate for reduced risk of attacks. Legumes are another one of the many plant-based protein sources. Legumes, or beans, are extremely nutritious and pack plenty of fiber, calcium, and potassium for supported bone strength and regulated blood pressure. While these plant-based proteins are undeniably beneficial, individual sources do not contain all nine essential amino acids found in animal-based counterparts.
As you can see, these proteins offer different benefits and have varying downsides. No protein source is perfect but there may be one that is more beneficial for you. Variety is key so change up your protein sources regularly for optimal benefit. If you are vegetarian or vegan then plant-based proteins will provide ample support and the meat eaters can pick and choose their meats for varying benefits.