
Personal Injury Law – Why This Legal Field Is Right For You

Personal Injury Law - Why This Legal Field Is Right For You

A personal injury attorney, also known as a trial or plaintiff attorney, provides legal representation for plaintiffs suffering from a physical or psychological injury caused by the careless or negligent acts of another person, organization, or entity.

Personal injury attorneys specialize in tort law, which includes civil or private injuries or wrongs including breaches of contract and defamation of character. The purpose of tort law is to relieve the injured party and to deter others from making the same offense.

Personal injury attorneys fight for compensation for their client’s losses including loss of earning capacity due to an inability to work, medical expenses, pain and suffering, legal fees, emotional distress, and loss of companionship. Personal injury attorneys also fight to protect their clients from being taken advantage of by large insurance companies.

Personal Injury Cases

Any claim of injury to the body or mind is considered to be under personal injury law. Below are some of the most common cases handled by a personal injury attorney:

What Does a Personal Injury Attorney Do?

Personal injury attorneys, like those Boucher Law Firm, see each case from the start all the way through the appeals process. Typical tasks include:

Personal injury attorneys tend to carry large caseloads, demanding clients, and tight deadlines. However, most attorneys love this field because they are able to help those that have been wronged by bringing them the justice they deserve through the legal system.


The education requirements for personal injury attorneys are the same as for any lawyer. You must obtain a Bachelor’s degree, law degree, and pass the bar examination. Since the area of personal injury law is broad and complex, most personal injury attorneys specialize in a specific niche. Some specializations even offer certifications.

Skills of a Personal Injury Attorney

The most successful personal injury attorneys possess strong skills in negotiation, client development, oral advocacy, oral and written communication, analytical and logical reasoning, technology, research, time management, understanding of legal procedure, teamwork, and organization.

Litigation is the bread and butter for many law firms, so personal injury attorneys are in demand. This is the perfect career for those who want to help people get back on their feet who have been injured or taken advantage of.