
Paving Materials: A Detailed Guide

Paving materials have to be chosen keeping a lot of factors in mind, like price, beauty, durability etc. Via this article we have tried to enlighten the reader about the best choices available to them.  So here goes:

We all know that brick has a rich rustic appeal besides being pretty durable. In fact, a lot of roads and pavements that were built using bricks hundreds of years ago still exist and are in pretty fine condition. But, there are a few negatives with using bricks for paving. For starters, you must have often seen how easily bricks develop cracks and there is also the fact that bricks aren’t slip-resistant as moss tends to accumulate on their surface the moment they come in contact with moisture. The upside is that laying down a brick pavement is real easy. Bricks can be hand laid dry over sand or you can have bricks mortared over concrete.

Not only does concrete provide you the option of choosing from limitless shapes and colors, but it can be textured and stamped any way you like. Also, it is slip-resistant and really durable. Even when it comes to maintenance, you will hardly have to ever spend money if you choose concrete for paving. The one huge downside to using concrete is that its surface is non-permeable. A concrete surface also runs the risk of developing cracks. Laying down concrete is again very easy and all that needs to be done is to pour it in place.

The best part about flagstone is that it looks really great. Add to that the facts it is easily available and slip-resistant and you have yourself a winning paving material. Flagstone is available in a wide variety of colors, which is another of its attractive qualities. On the downside, it runs the risk of cracking in frigid climes. Over a period of time, wear and tear is also more noticeable on flagstones. Just like bricks, flagstones too can be hand laid dry over sand or you can have them mortared over concrete. 

One of the main reasons that many prefer cobblestones is because it emanates the old world feel. Cobblestones look as if they have been taken right out of a Charles Dickens story. They are available in a wide range of designs and are extremely durable. On the downside, a cobblestone paving would give you a really uneven surface, which can make for quite a bumpy ride. Also, cobblestones aren’t slip-resistant. Cobblestones too can be hand laid dry over sand or you can have them mortared over concrete. 

Pavers have a lot of positives which makes them a popular choice. They are permeable, durable, aesthetically pleasing and available in a wide range of colors and patterns. On the downside, pavers tend to settle down over time making a surface uneven. Also, you would normally see a lot of weed growing between the gaps. Pavers can be hand laid over dry sand or gravel. 

This again is a really popular option mainly because it is very affordable, when compared to other paving materials. It is permeable and durable despite being low cost. On the downside, Decomposed Granite & Gravel tend to erode pretty quickly. Also, the fact that it shifts under the feet and can drag back into the house, are things that can be irritating. Laying this paving material is the easiest as it simply has to be spread around evenly.

A more stylish option, tile is possibly the most decorative of all paving materials. It also helps give that Spanish looks, which is really catching on these day. On the downside, it isn’t permeable and can crack very easily. Tile has to be mortared over concrete.

We have listed the best possible options for you to choose from. You can go through them in detail and then decide, which material of the above would suit your paving needs the best.