
Organic Cosmetics – Truth or Fiction

A wise consumer is one who checks the labels before buying in order to make sure that the products he or she brings home do not contain any harmful ingredients. It is especially important to check labels when you are buying cosmetics or personal care products. Of course, you also need to know what the toxic cosmetics are so you can stay away from them. This is important because unlike drugs and other food products, the cosmetic industry is not regulated. This is why we often see products that claim to be all natural or organic cosmetics. But if you know how to read labels and what to look for in them, you will know whether their organic claims are based in truth or fiction.

Toxic cosmetics are harmful in the sense that they can injure your skin or your body. In addition, your risk to such diseases as cancer can also increase with continued exposure to toxic cosmetic.

The problem is, there is never really enough hard data based on research studies to back up the organic cosmetic claims of cosmetics companies. And the worst part of it is that they are not required by government regulation to do so. As such, consumers should be careful not to equate the absence of data linking certain ingredients to diseases with confirmation that they are safe and effective. At the moment, many non-government organizations and consumer advocates are spending money on research and making their findings publicly available.

As a result, we have access to databases that provide a list of hazardous chemicals and ingredients, as well as information on how much data their manufacturers are willing to make public. The idea behind this is that whatever they refuse to disclose is potentially harmful to consumers and to their businesses.

In the U.S., it has been found that there are approximately 1100 different ingredients that go into the formulation of cosmetics that have been previously banned in the European Union. Unfortunately, it is entirely up to the public to keep an eye out for these ingredients, since organic cosmetic certification in the U.S. is voluntary. Most consumers do take the threat of toxic cosmetic products lightly, thinking that they are superficial in effect, and cannot really have any impact on the internal organs. They happen to be wrong and never ask themselves the all-important question.

Are these Organic Claims True or False?

An independent research study conducted on mice found that it was possible for the body to absorb chemicals through skin contact and hair follicles. This simply means that anything you apply on your skin or hair has a way of entering your body, bloodstreams, organs and even the brain. So what is the best weapon against cosmetic products that claim that they are organic and natural but are actually misleading? Research! Equip yourself with helpful information to know the nuances of the cosmetic industry. This way, you will know that “derived from” does not mean natural or organic, and “organic” can actually mean 1-percent organic and 99-percent synthetic. Sites like Amazon and Earth’s Daughter provide organic and natural skin care and is a good place to start.

There are publicly available lists of companies that adhere to the true standards of organic and natural. Buy only from these companies and send the message to bogus manufacturers that you are one less consumer that they will fool.