
Online Reputation Repair: When is it Needed?

Few companies would disagree that the internet has been a game changer when it comes to drumming up new sales. After all, this is an avenue which has given local firms the chance to go national, or even international in some cases.

However, while a lot of attention is naturally placed on the benefits of having an online presence, some companies are feeling the opposite effects. Sure, they might still attract new custom, but they are also losing out for the simple fact that their online reputation is in tatters.

Reputation repair services are proving to be hugely popular right now, and it’s for good reason. Through the course of today’s post, we will now take a look at some of the instances where a reputation repair service is invaluable for a company.

Negative reviews

This is probably one of the most common reasons why companies seek to repair their reputation. Nowadays, before a person looks to buy from a new company, they will scour the internet looking for any negative reviews. Terms like “widget company reviews” and “widget company scam” are common phrases – just to see if any other customers have had potential problems with them.

Well, if a review site starts to appear listing a lot of negative scores, this isn’t going to do a business any favours in the slightest. This is where reputation repair can be invaluable; companies can work to make the review site appear lower in the SERPS and ultimately result in fewer eyes on it.

Disgruntled employees

Unfortunately, it’s not just disgruntled customers that can prove problematic for a business. At the same time, so can former employees.

Whether it’s through the job review sites, or perhaps even by hijacking standard review sites, the reputation of a company can still be left in tatters. Whether you are on a recruitment charge, or just plainly looking to get more sales from your business, these negative remarks certainly aren’t going to result in any form of positive uplift.

News stories

Another situation where companies really do need their reputation repairing is when they are at the centre of a negative news story. Again, perhaps if you were just searching for a business name, if a negative news story about said business occurs as one of the top results you are naturally inclined to take notice. Depending on the severity of the story, there’s every chance that you are going to opt to use a rival service after reading it.

Again, this is where a reputation repair service can work wonders. It’s worth commenting that some companies fall into these situations completely innocently. For example, if they have something of a generic name, Google might confuse them with another brand and show the negative news story for brand searches for them. Regardless of whether or not it is mistaken, there’s no doubt that these news stories are something that can leave a lasting effect on the mind of customers who might be considering you.