
On The Move: Tips For Deciding Where To Call Home

On The Move: Tips For Deciding Where To Call HomeMany people who relocate may not have much choice in the matter—their choice of school, where their company wants to relocate them or the current location of a significant other will dictate the next place they call home. But, many others find themselves in a position where they can choose anywhere, whether because their sources of income are mobile or they are hoping to make a fresh start and build a new life somewhere different. This scenario can be a bit daunting, and you may feel a bit anxious about making the right choice. Here are some important considerations to help you narrow your search for your next city or town.

Urban, Suburban or Rural?

The first step in narrowing down your choices is deciding on the general atmosphere. Do you thrive in the hustle and bustle of a city, or loathe the crowds, noise and lack of space? Do you like the idea of a nice suburban area where you have easy access to major cities while enjoying a more quiet day to day existence? Or do you love the rural life, where you are surrounded by nature and do not mind being a bit of a distance from the modern conveniences of life?

What Do You Value Most?

We often feel paralyzed when it comes to making decisions, for fear of choosing the wrong thing. But, when we take the time to evaluate what is most important to us in a particular circumstance, the right direction becomes clearer, and we make choices with greater confidence. This applies to all types of major decisions, including where to move.

What is most important to you in a location? Do you have strong preferences for weather? Is cultural diversity important to you? Do you want an easy commute? Do you need to be within minutes of a variety of entertainment options? Do you need a quiet environment? Do you want to be able to walk or take public transportation, rather than rely on a car? Do you want to keep living expenses below a certain threshold to free up money for savings or other needs?

Do Not Just Think in Immediate Terms

When deciding where to move, you should not just think in immediate wants and needs, but over the long-term as well. Maybe you will end up moving in a year, who knows. But, thinking about what your life may be like a few years down the line can be helpful in evaluating choices. Do you think you will have children in the next few years? Do you think you will want to go back to school? These considerations can play a role in the most ideal location.

Know Nothing is Permanent

While this tip may seem to contradict the previous tip, it really doesn’t. Remembering that your current choice of location is not destined to be your home for the rest of your days can take some of the pressure off, and make it easier to make a decision. No matter where you move, if it does not work out, you can move again. It may be a giant pain, but it is an option. Wherever you are leaving is not going anywhere, nor is the rest of the country or world. This is obvious, but something you may forget in the moment. You are probably looking at this decision as something that will affect the rest of your life, but it is hardly the case.

Kelli Cooper, writing for the mortgage comparison site,  is a freelance writer who enjoys blogging about all things related to real estate, relocation and finding a home.

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