
New Study Show That Eating Fruits Daily Reduce Heart Disease Upto 40%

New Study Show That Eating Fruits Daily Reduce Heart Disease Upto 40%

We know eating fruits are good for our health, but do you know that new research suggested that eating fruits daily will reduce heart disease up to 40%.

A new study observed about 451,680 participants and asked their regular food consumption. They looked out that how many days they eat fruits in one week weather it maybe 2-3 days or 5-6 days of the week or eating regularly.

The researchers compared the fruits, eating people and non-fruits, eating people, those who eat fruits every day have a less heart risk by 40%, and the regular fruit eaters are healthier people comparing with non-fruits eater, they are risk free from blood pressure and many other benefits.

Don’t be confused that this is the first research regarding fruits on heart problem and having better health, the earlier study was done on 110,000 men and women 14 years ago. They found that the people who eat fruits regularly have a lower risk of developing cardiovascular disease (diseases that involve the heart, the blood vessels arteries, capillaries, and veins. And some studies found that eating Oranges, Grapes have special protective benefits.

In china a study has shown that 0.5 million people who eat apples are out of the heart risk. This research was led by DrHuaidong Du from the University of Oxford.

DrHuaidong Du said that diseases like to include ischemic heart disease (IHD) cardiovascular disease cannot be kept under control unless right diet. Changing your lifestyle and diet is critical, but best interest in your diet will keep you much harmful disease away.

This particular study says that people instead of eating snacks at evening or dinner, eat your best fruits and keep diseases away. And don’t forget that this is not the last time I would say to you, you will be reminded again and again.

Here I would like to discuss some Fruits which Rich in Nutrients

Tomatoes: are considered as vegetables but actually it is a citrus fruit, similar to Orange Mind and Blown tomatoes are rich in niacin, folate and vitamin B6 which are heart healthy nutrients

Pineapple: help to break down proteins, this fruits function in our body are similar to pancreatic enzymes and help us from skin disease too acne, rosacea, dermatitis and psoriasis.

Strawberries: are rich inflavonoid quercetin and contains vitamin C in it.

Avocado: is packed with nutrients vitamins A, C, E and K, iron, magnesium, potassium and phosphorous

Bananas: is full of carbohydrates, which is easily digestive also contains vitamin in it. Bananas are rich in potassium and helps prevent muscle cramps and helps with good cardiovascular health.