
Nanny Job Interview Resources – 5 Questions You’ll Be Asked Every Time

There’s really no disputing the way in which the Internet has made finding a nanny in London easier and faster than ever before. A vast array of innovative new resources have sprung up over recent years designed to help pair families in need of help with the most appropriate nannies from all over the country. As such, it’s also fair to say that the web has played a massive role in making it easier than before for nannies to find the jobs of their dreams, which in most cases is as simple as signing up with the right online nanny agency.

Of course, the one downside from the job-seekers perspective is the way in which such ease of access to job-seeking resources has led to a situation where competition for every available post has never been more abundant or fierce. On the whole, it’s technically never been easier for nannies with the right kinds of backgrounds to successfully score interviews, which has in turn further intensified the importance of the interview itself in securing any given post.

Nanny interviews have always been uniquely challenging and are getting more so by the day, which is why it’s a good idea to gain a grasp of what to expect beforehand in order to avoid any nasty surprises. So, with this in mind, here’s a quick overview of just a select few of the questions you’re guaranteed to be asked and therefore should prepare for ahead of time:

1 – What Attracted You to the Nanny Profession?

For obvious reasons, this isn’t the kind of question to which you should answer anything like the money on offer, the fact that you think it’s an easy ride or simply because you felt like trying something new. Those on the lookout for a nanny will generally only ever consider a candidate whose heart is well and truly in this industry and this industry alone, with a proven passion for child-care and the intention to pursue their goals long term.

2 – What Makes for a Perfect Nanny?

It’s often fair to say that what makes for the perfect nanny in the eyes of one individual will be very different from the views of another. As such, in order to establish whether or not there’s any real compatibility there, it’s more than likely that you will be asked directly as to what you believe are the qualities of an ideal nanny. You’ll need to be careful here as while it may appear on the surface that past experience and qualifications are the be all and end all, it’s often a case of personality traits and qualities taking precedence.

3 – Why Should We Choose You?

Trying to sell yourself in a no more than a few sentences may appear to be impossible, but nonetheless represents the perfect opportunity to excel in the eyes of the interviewer. For example, you should never say that you’re better, more qualified or more suitable than your rival candidates as you cannot possibly know this if you do not know them. Instead, you should focus on what it is about you that makes you the ideal nanny, while at the same time making it clear that you fit this particular job description as perfectly as anyone else possibly could.

4 – Is There Anything You Won’t Do?

Some nannies will inherently lower their chances of being taken on by being unwilling/unable to do certain jobs. Some may be unwilling to handle meat for personal or religious reasons, some refuse to do certain cleaning jobs and others can’t go near pets due to allergies. In all instances however, it’s important to be aware that the more jobs you cannot or will not do, the lower your respective chances will be of being taken on. It’s not a case of discrimination, but rather one of finding the person best-suited to the job – exactly what the recruitment process is all about.

5 – Where Do You See Yourself in Five Years?

Last up, for obvious reasons it’s far more appealing for a prospective employer to take on a nanny that’s clearly dedicated to the industry long term, rather than one that’s just ‘giving it a go’ and intends to head elsewhere at some point in the future. As such, when you are asked about your long-term goals and where you see yourself in the years to come, it’s a good idea to make it clear that you’re in it for life…even if this might turn out not to be the case.