
Moving? 5 Things That Ready Your Home For The Market

Now that you’ve decided to sell your home, it pays to get the place ready for prospective buyers. Your real estate agent will provide some excellent ideas for whipping things into shape and attracting people who are serious about purchasing a home. Here are five things you need to do before that first open house is held.

Pack Up the Clutter

Remember that what you consider treasures is only so much junk to the buyers. They are not interested in seeing your things, just the details of the house. All your collections and keepsakes need to be packed for the move anyway. Consider doing it now to be a great way to get a head start.

Clean Every Surface

You may think that the place is clean, but there’s grime in more spots than you realize. Rest assured any prospective buyer will notice the leftover grease where the stove and the countertop meet. The grout around the bathtub that looks a little yellowed will also stand out. If you are serious about selling the house, clean every surface until it gleams. The place will show better and the buyers will stay long enough to see what the house has to offer. While you are used to the stale odors trapped in the carpeting and other areas of the house, first time visitors to the home will notice them immediately. Once the floors and window treatments are cleaned properly, visitors will be greeted by a fresh scent that motivates them to come in and investigate further.

Make the Front Entrance More Enticing

You’ve never done a lot with the space around the front door, but now is the time to make things more attractive. Consider investing in a couple of topiaries to flank the door. Put out an attractive welcome mat. Remember to clean the surface of the door until it gleams. You’ll be surprised what a difference a little effort will make.

Manicure the Grounds

While much of your focus is inside, don’t overlook the grounds. Professionals, like those at Exit Trinity Realty, know that at the least, the grass should be mowed before anyone comes to visit. Trim the shrubs and consider having the driveway and any other paved surfaces pressure washed. Your efforts will pay off in terms of making a great first impression.

Don’t Forget the Garage

The garage is often the last thing the seller considers. Remember that buyers will want to look at everything on the property. Just as you de-cluttered the house, do the same with the garage. Those buyers need to see there is enough space for two cars plus some type of work area.

Unless you want the house to languish on the market for months, make sure the place is ready for people to see. You’ll have offers sooner and be able to move on to whatever new adventure that you have in mind.