
Methods For Safe Pest Control Around Your Home

Methods For Safe Pest Control Around Your HomeInsect infestations are a problem in millions of homes. There are many ways to go about getting rid of these annoying pests. However, to protect yourself and your family, it is important to exterminate these insects in a safe manner. Spraying insecticide is an effective way to kill bugs. The only problem is that the poisons that kill bugs are usually harmful to people. Here are some ways to practice pest control safely:

1. Be Certain that your Home is Dry and Clean

Instead of dealing with the problem of pest control, you should be proactive and try to avoid getting them in the first place. Food particles that have been left on the floor or on kitchen counters will act like a magnet for insects. Water can also attract them, so wipe up spills of any kind immediately. You should also wash your garbage cans on a regular basis. They can become a breeding ground for flies, so check them out often. If the garbage can stinks, wash it out. Keep fruit that is ripe in the fridge. If you have a pet, wash its bedding often. Comb your pet using a flea comb. Wash all of your dishes on a daily basis. Vacuum and sweep your floors at least once a week.

2. Choose Pesticides that are Low-risk

If you have an infestation that reguires the use of insecticides, dust boric acid can be used in crevaces and cracks. This will poison insects such as silverfish, cockroaches and ants. It also works well for termite control. However, it is not as poisonous to humans and other mammals.

Tamper-resistant bait boxes are safer to use than powders or sprays that spread pesticide residues. You should try to find one that uses a nonvolatile chemical. Be certain that all of the bait boxes you lay down can’t be reached by children.

There are insecticidal soaps that can kill soft-bodied insects such as mites, fleas and caterpillars on contact. Unless they are ingested, they are virtually harmless to humans.

3. Limit your Exposure

If you are using an insecticide in your home, you need to be sure that every person and animal is exposed to it for a minimal amount of time.

Always wear goggles, a mask and gloves when you are applying a pesticide. This may seem like overkill, but protecting your body is much easier than a trip to the emergency room.

Never dispose of remaining pesticides down the drain, on your lawn or in your garbage. Doing this may contaminate your drinking water or soil. Contact your local public works department. They will give you information on how to properly dispose of waste that is hazardous.

4. Try methods that are Chemical-free

Keeping your house clean and denying the insects food will cut down on their numbers. However, there may be some that are lingering. For these pests, you can lay down some traps. These can be light traps, pheromone traps, jar traps or flytraps. These traps may work as a means of termite control. Using a swatter is an effective tool, if the number of insects is not overwhelming. You should also vacuum for individual nests or bugs. The pests will suffocate in the bag.

This post comes from Pink Pest Services, the experts at pest control in Sydney. If you’re concerned about possible termite infestation in yourhome, give them a call.