
Medical Books: Basic Sciences

Even though many people browse for information on the internet as opposed to the ‘older fashioned’ way; books, journals and so forth, there is still a great need for many healthcare professionals and students to gather information using the more traditional methods. Books go into great detail, whereas, information found on the Internet can be either incorrect and/or cost a lot of money to gain access to information that could otherwise be found in books for example.

Basic Sciences Books

Basic sciences medical books cover many and various topics, including:

Some of the basic medical sciences terminology explained:


Immunology is a part of the biomedical science and is the study of all aspects of the immune system in all organisms. Immunology is the study of the physiological function within the immune system; hypersensitivities, autoimmune diseases, transplant rejection and immune deficiency.


Microbiology is the study of either single cell, multi-cellular or acellular microscopic organisms. There are many sub categories in Microbiology, these include; virology, parasitological, mycology and bacteriology.


Neuroscience is the study of the nervous system. Neuroscience has previously been perceived to be a part of biology. More recently, neuroscience works in partnership with other scientific fields such as computer science, engineering, chemistry, linguistics, medicine, psychology and even mathematics. It also exerts influence on other fields, such as neuroeducation[2] and neurolaw.


Nutrition is the study of the process of breaking down food and liquids swallowed via the mouth that uses energy for helping the body function properly. Nutrition can also be the way in which we obtain and consume our food i.e. what’s good for the human body and how health issues can be avoided through dieting.


Pathology is the scientific study and diagnosis of the various diseases that we face. The word pathology is from Ancient Greek, pathos, in which case can be translated into English as “suffering”, which makes perfect sense.


Pharmacology is the study of drugs whether man-made or natural. Pharmacology in the Greek language means “poison”. Pharmacology is also the study in which there are exerts of bio chemicals and physiological effects on human cells, organs, tissues or organisms.


The word Physiology derives from the Greek word ‘Physis’. Human physiology aims to understand the mechanical, physical, and biochemical functions of living things and how they work. Numerous studies are carried out in regards to how muscles, cells and organs interact and inevitably interact with one another.

Physiologists claim that the study of physiology plays a very important role when it comes to understanding how best to treat diseases and how humans cope with stressful situations when they arise and the impact this has on our actions.

During the 1960’s physiologists determined, through studying physiology, that people who had got bitten by a snake would experience a dangerous fall in blood pressure and as a result would faint. It just comes to show how far treatments have come due to the study of physiology.

Final Note

Medical books will continue to be popular among those studying the several disciplines due to the sheer depth and relaible information that they provide. Medical books themselves have developed in terms of now being available to download online as an e-book for convenience.

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Ashley, the author of this article has worked in the healthcare sector for many years and provides medical books to many healthcare professionals.