
Make Merry With Cherry

Make Merry With Cherry

Have you ever thought that a tiny fruit like cherry can keep you safe from all the major diseases? If not, then start thinking now. Cherry can be an easy and natural solution to your health problems. Add cherries to your fruit baskets now.

Small wonder

Cherry is a wonderfully delicious fruit, which one has to taste. Though this fruit looks small yet it is packed with beneficial nutrients and a high amount of anti oxidants. Cherries can be of two types. On one hand, there is the sweet cherry, and on the other, there is tart cherry. They have a high level of Vitamin A and C, which are extremely good to the human body.

How to eat?

It is a good decision to keep cherries in a regular diet. One can easily add cherries to their fruit salad or flavoured yogurt and can have it any time of the day. Sweet cherries can be eaten alone without adding any extra thing to it. One can pop a bunch of sweet cherries in their mouth whenever they want. One can also add dried sweet cherries as a topping on fruit cakes, muffins, cookies and desserts.

But what about the tart cherry? It is not possible to eat a tart cherry just like that. They are mainly used in preparing sauce, jam, pie fillings and cheese cakes. One can also squeeze an amount of tart cherries to extract the juice out of it. Adding sweetener to it and then having the juice makes sense.

Thus, cherry can do wonder to your health. Do not go by its size. They look small, but they are a big one when comes to benefits.