
Let In The Light: How To Maximize Natural Sunlight In Your Home

Those who rely on artificial lights during the daytime are not only spending more on their energy bills, but they might also be missing out on some of the hidden beauty within their homes. Here is a quick look at just a few tips you can use to maximize your home’s natural lighting to make it more inviting and comfortable than ever.

Use More Mirrors

Putting additional mirrors on the walls is one of the easiest ways to brighten a room and make it look larger. Mirrors should be placed on the walls directly across from windows and any other openings that let in light. By installing a mirror at the end of a hallway, you can redirect natural sunlight deep into your home and even brighten rooms that have absolutely no windows.

Install Shaped Windows

Having a professional contractor install shaped windows is the most effective way to improve the lighting within your home. Instead of going with traditional square and rectangular windows, you might want to consider shaped windows that add to the character of a room.

These particular windows can be installed in practically any wall because they can be customized to fit around posts, cabinets, and other obstructions. Depending on where you live, adding extra windows with the help of Fischer Window and Door Store or a similar company could substantially increase the value of your home as well.

Clean Your Home Regularly

Many homeowners are surprised to discover just how much dust and clutter can impact the natural lighting in each room. Dirty rooms not only have fewer reflective surfaces, but large piles of debris can create oppressive shadows. A clean and tidy room will maximize the amount of light that you are getting from your windows and mirrors. You should clean your windows, mirrors, and other reflective surfaces at least once a month to ensure that no grime is keeping light out of your home.

Change Your Paint Scheme

The ambiance of every room in your home is determined by the colors of your walls. Darker paint tends to absorb light and will drastically impact how bright each room is. Walls should generally be painted in bright and cheerful colors such as yellow, teal, and pale green. Once you have decided which color to paint your walls, you should then lighten that particular hue to paint the ceilings. Ceilings that are slightly brighter than the walls will amplify the light that is coming in through the windows.

A home that is well-lit from the sunshine will be much more enjoyable for your family and could have a major impact on your monthly energy bills.