
Latest Launched Technology In Brand New Cars

From comfortable leather seats to glimmering LED lights in the car cockpit, many car manufacturers today go beyond just manufacturing cars to offer drivers with a comfortable driving experiences. Today, technology has improved dramatically over the years, and many car manufactures innovate and invest huge amounts of money into R&D, that use technology to assist drivers in their driving. We are now going to look at the latest launched technologies in brand new cars that exist in the market today and hopefully, these technologies will be allowed in future car:

Smart Auto Navigation

Systems: Cars today are becoming increasingly smart in helping its drivers navigate through the busy and dwindling busy roads. Here, we are not talking about your regular day to day navigation systems such as the Global Positioning System (GPS). We are talking about intellectually smart systems that include voice commands and an interactive touch display that not only display the car’s current location, but also warn the driver about nearby road hazards such as the pedestrian crossing in front of the vehicle and such This package is also not complete without the addition of autonomous car maneuvering system which will automatically correct any human errors made by the driver.

Technologically Advanced

Mirrors: The introduction of technologically advanced mirrors in some cars today has gotten rid of the most hated blind spots by most drivers on the road. The mirrors are able to indicate and warn any vehicle in the driver’s blind spot, which improved the safety of the car on the road considerably, which allows the driver to make better decisions when the car is on the road. Not only does the mirrors help with the driver’s blind spot, the mirrors can be turned into a GPS system at the click of the button. Thus, having an adaptive mirror can help the driver to improve its overall driving experience, as well as improve the safety of the car on the road.

Night Vision

Cameras: Having trouble driving at night, especially on a foggy Sunday night? With the addition night vision cameras mounted on the car body outside, drivers can display night vision using the interactive board near the driver’s seat, which enables the driver to have improved visibility and constitutional awareness during night-time driving. It will be useful to the driver especially driving in remote areas, where brightly lit roads are hard to come by in these areas. Moreover, the night vision cameras mounted on outside of the car are as small as the size of a penny, without sacrificing the aesthetics of the car.

Thus, with the introduction of such technologies, drivers can stand to benefit in a way that could never be achieved before. Technology allow the cars to have better safety features, and in turn, enabling the driver to have a better driving experience especially on roads jam-packed with road users & hazards. This will not only secure the safety of the driver, but also road users around the technologically advanced vehicle. With lesser hazards and mishaps, auto technologies can certainly change the present for the better.

 Author bio

Flora Cox lives in Bristol, UK and is an avid reader and blogger. Since her early years she’s had a passion for writing. Her articles have been published in leading UK newspapers. Her areas of interest are Travel, Fashion, Lifestyle, Food, Reviews (Book/Movie), Fitness and Health. She works as a guest blogger on her chosen areas of interest and currently writes on behalf of presently working for DSA practical test which provides good assistance in acquiring license in easy steps.