
Laser Hair Removal: Procedure, Risks & Side Effects

What Is Laser Hair Removal?

To remove unwanted hair, people often use wax, shaving creams and tweezing. Nowadays laser hair removal becomes popular method of hair removal and slowly paving its way to consumers. It utilizes highly concentrated light that beams into the hair follicles. This light is absorbed in the pigment, ultimately, destroying hair. It is performed in locations such as the legs, upper lip, arm pits, bikini line and chin. Success depends on hair color and skin type.

Brief History:

In the late 1990s, laser hair removal was only available for light skinned individuals with dark hair. Alexandrite and Diode lasers were predominantly used back and only applicable for light skinned individuals and not for those with dark skin. Nowadays, with the ongoing study, with improvements and advancement in technology, dark skinned individuals can enjoy laser hair removal as well. With proper protocols and equipments, safety and effectiveness are assured.

Risks And Side Effects:

The procedure has risks with it. Common concerns are cost, skin irritation and pigment changes. Laser hair removal has no assurance of permanent removal of hair. Some hair might not come off as expected and will grow again, although the new hair may possibly be lighter and finer than the previous. Skin irritation can cause discomfort, swelling and redness but are only temporary and would disappear eventually. It may produce changes in pigmentation as there is a great possibility of having a lighter or darker skin post procedure. Often than not, it may also cause blistering, scarring, crusting and other changes in skin texture.

How To Prepare For The Procedure

Before the actual session, the doctor assesses the patient’s medical history, health condition and discusses the benefits, expectations and risks. Expenses and queries are also discussed at this time. The doctor also advices you to stay out of the sun six weeks before the treatment make hair removal less effective and increases the risk for side effects, at the same time, avoid waxing, plucking and electrolysis as these would temporarily remove the hair roots or follicle which is the target of the laser. Some studies have recommended shaving instead as it preserves the hair shaft and follicle.

What To Expect During The Procedure:

Before the session starts, the personnel prepare you by trimming a few millimeters, just above the skin. Adjustments to the laser equipments such as thickness, color and location of hair being treated are done. Eye protection is also essential. A cold gel or cooling cream is applied to the skin to protect the outer layers. Cold water, ice packs and anti inflammatory lotions and creams are given after to minimize the discomfort. Sessions every six weeks are necessary until hair are removed.

Finally, before anything else, laser hair removal remains a medical procedure; thus, it is important to ensure a credible doctor such as a dermatologist or cosmetic surgeon to perform the procedure. Trusted clinics such as Colaz Laser Hair Removal London can provide more information regarding the procedure and can discuss with you treatment plans that best works for you. They offer Soprano XL, a revolutionary method for permanent hair removal that is pain free. State of the art Diode systems are also available. They offer a pain free, hair free and laser treatment experience.