
Keeping Your Move Efficient and On Budget

Moving day is a dreaded day for most people. The thought of moving might remind you of having a backache and a light wallet. But summer is approaching, which means it’s moving season. And if you’re reading this, you’re likely one of the many people finding a new living situation this summer. Before the big move, check out these tips to help it go smoothly, and without spending a fortune.

Hire Affordable Movers

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Hiring a moving company can do wonders for your move. Moving companies offer services like pad-wrapping your items, breaking down/re-assembling furniture, and of course, physically moving your belongings for you. Quality companies will treat your things with care, and make sure to protect your home. Many even offer to manage the entire move from beginning to end.

And make sure you look local. If you to hire movers in the Minneapolis area, make sure you consult a list of Minneapolis Moving Companies where you can find a moving company near you. When choosing movers, be sure to understand how they apply charges.

Sort Your Belongings

Organizing your items seems obvious, but doing so may need more thought than you first assume. Make sure you have correct box sizes that will efficiently store your things. Also, any of us have more than we need. A lot of us probably own things we don’t even find value in anymore.

Moving offers a great opportunity to sort these items out. Figure out what you still use. A good rule of thumb — if you haven’t even thought about something in over a year, just get rid of it! Choose what you’ll donate, sell, or throw away. Many charities will offer to come pick up anything you decide to donate, including uneaten food.

Use Your Resources

You probably have way more packing tools in your home than you realize. Think twice before throwing out old sheets. Use towels and linens to wrap belongings like small furniture, lamps, etc. Old newspapers can be used to prevent damage to easily breakable items, such as dishes.

Just be careful, as newspapers can stain certain items (like clothing) susceptible to ink. Use the boxes you have from previous moves. If you hired movers, many of them will let you keep your clothes in your dressers, saving time, space, energy and money. Then you can use hampers for other items.

Make a Plan of Action

The bottom line is to make a plan. The easiest way to have a stressful, expensive move is to put everything off until the last moment. Make sure you give yourself weeks in advance (or even months, if possible) to plan your move. Otherwise, you can’t know how many issues might come up.

Putting thought into planning reduces the stress on moving day. It also shows you where you actually need to spend money, as well as what you can do on your own. Put aside money for a moving budget. Use the planning stage to decide how much you need, with a little extra for any unexpected expenses.

Following these tips will greatly reduce the stress of moving. Make sure you research your local moving market a bit more, to learn how to best suit your moving needs. Be smart, and make your move as cheap and easy as possible!