
Keeping Your Home Safe Without Compromising On Style

We all have health and safety concerns we want to keep on top of and which could mean making changes in our homes. Whatever your worry, making a switch to a safer or more hygienic option does not mean you have to sacrifice your personal style.

Safety first

Keeping things as safe as possible around the house is one of the biggest concerns for parents. You baby proof sharp corners and door hinges to protect little fingers, but have you considered the protection offered by your choice of flooring?

Options like vinyl and cork flooring offer great alternatives to hard surfaces like wood. They are laid in sheets which can cover an entire room, whatever it’s size, meaning there are no trip risks like joins or edges. This also makes these surfaces incredibly easy to clean, ensuring they stay hygienic for your family. While cork is a surprising cushioned surface, it really is worth considering if you have young children.

Another concern many of us have is the wider safety of the world we are bringing our kids into. If you want to consider the environment when choosing a new floor then cork is a natural and sustainable option worth looking at. You can find more details on how it is sourced here:

Addressing allergies

If allergies are a problem in your household it’s advisable to think about the furnishings you choose. Plush, deep pile cushions and carpets may feel luxurious but unfortunately they can harbour dust mites, dirt and pollen. These hidden irritants can contribute to allergies if furnishings aren’t thoroughly cleaned on a regular basis.

If that sounds like something you don’t have time for it might be worth considering a safer option such as an easy to clean but stylish floor. Again, cork flooring is a great option which can help keep your home safe. It also offers a striking look, meaning you won’t have to face reduced options when it comes to your decor. You can find out more about cork and take a look at some of the choices available here:

Whatever your reason for wanting to up the safety of your home there are plenty of options available. Safe and secure doesn’t mean boring or austere with choices galore in colour and style.