
It Pays to Prepare for Death

Facing up to death isn’t easy.

Feelings of dread and discomfort can wash over folk when the time comes to have “that talk”, which means many of us avoid the conversation completely.

In fact, research has shown that less than a third of the public talk to their family about what they want to happen when they die, and only 37% of the public have written a will. Interestingly, only 8% have written down their financial and funeral wishes.

Not only does this fearful attitude to death risk the deceased not getting the service they want, it can leave behind an emotional and financial black hole for their loved ones.

So what’s the solution?

Read on to find out …

Financial and legal matters

Planning for the inevitable means you can put your own mind at ease and make the financial and legal complexities much easier for your family to deal with. At such an emotional time, many families can become embroiled in disputes over who gets what. Consequently, it pays to make a will and arrange for some legal advice if necessary.

GrabstätteArrange a funeral plan

One of the most important preparatory steps is a pre-paid funeral plan, which ensures your funeral is arranged and paid for in advance and at today’s prices. Again, it’s another way of easing the burden on your loved ones and allows you to make your wishes very clear (right down to the music played at the service) before the times comes.

Make certain your memory lives on

It’s important to consider what message you would like to leave behind for your loved ones when you’re gone. This can be done through a video or by creating a “memory box”. The box contains photographs and other mementos of your life, and serves as a reminder and comfort for those left behind.

Consider organ donation

When you die, you can choose to donate any of your organs to medical research. If this is something you have considered, it’s crucial you write it down and ensure you make your family and doctor aware of your wishes.