
IT Jobs Are Still In Demand

A recent study has shown that technical glitches cause bigger problems than originally thought.

The Brother International Corporation found in a survey that 75 percent of small business owners believe a computer crash is more disruptive than an absent employee.

This highlights how vital it is for businesses to have reliable IT workers on staff.

Because so many companies are reliant on technology,

they require workers who are proficient at keeping their

systems running without any headaches.

Companies require any number of specialists to

ensure their technical systems are functioning properly.

According to ORSYP, enterprises typically employ seven different types of IT professionals.

Technical writers are important for creating helpful content like user manuals and FAQ sections.

The other workers are all specialists in each of the following six categories: hardware, software, programming, database, networking and web.

All of these disparate staff members come together to create a unified team. Each employee performs a highly focused task that contributes to a company’s IT infrastructure.

For instance, a software specialist creates applications and updates them to include the latest tools and resources.

Once the software is ready, technical writers draft readable instructions so that non-technical employees understand how to use the programs.

A Boon for Workers and Job Seekers

Many businesses are seeking professionals who have completed IT training.

The dependence on technology and demand for IT workers are huge boons for current professionals.

Unlike people in other fields, technical employees know that their positions are relatively secure and that they can easily transition into new jobs.

This sense of stability is reflected in the most recent IT Employee Confidence Index complied by Harris Interactive and Randstad Technologies.

The index was at 55.8 points in the fourth quarter of 2012, representing only a one-point dip from the previous quarter.

Additionally, 74 percent of IT workers do not believe they will lose their jobs in 2013, which is a 5 percent increase from the previous quarter.

Bob Dickey, executive vice president of technologies at Randstad U.S., noted the confidence within the sector.

“Technology workers remain one of the most confident when it comes to job availability, the future strength of the economy and their current employer,” Dickey said in a statement.

A Promising Career

A common concern for many college students is finding a job once they graduate.

While some people are lucky to find work quickly, others search for months before even landing an interview.

Michael Pleiman, executive vice president of Sogeti USA, believes that students should weigh the benefits of heading into the IT field.

“If they are undecided on what they want to do when they go into college,

they should at least consider business information systems because there are such great career opportunities,” Pleiman told Hispanic Business.

Sogeti works closely with Dayton University to develop IT courses. Other companies have formed similar partnerships to ensure that new graduates will be able to join the field right away.

The news source notes that many jobs are being added to the field, so the cooperative education strategy will be benefit many students moving forward.

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Scott Murray is the Social Learning Evangelist for, the web’s largest career marketplace.

He is also a contributor to the Training Insights Blog, a series of blogs dedicated to career and professional development.