
Is There Help For Cosmetic Surgery Addiction?

It has become a common misconception to think of the term addiction as only related to drugs and substance. While substance and drug abuse are common cases of dependency, addiction cases are not limited to the two, but manifest in a number of ways.

Cosmetic surgery addiction is one of the very serious cases of addiction. These cases of addiction fall under the category of addictions called behavioural addictions. Behavioural addiction is also known as process addiction. In such cases, an individual is addicted to certain behaviours or processes despite their apparent or actual negative consequences.

While drug addicts suffer chemical addiction, cosmetic surgery addicts suffer due to the state of mental obsession to modify their body or face. To them it comes as a strong uncontrollable urge to alter the way they look physically in order to satisfy other greater needs.

Such underlying needs would be such as suppressing insecurity issues and satisfying personal desires; to fit in their ideal image of beauty. Cosmetic surgeries in themselves are not addictive per se, but when an individual gets the urge to surgical modify their body every often, the sense of addiction kicks in. However, people will have just a single cosmetic surgery and be contented with the results. For safe cosmetic surgery, click here.

Causes of Cosmetic Surgery Addiction

There are many conditions that will cause cosmetic surgery addiction. One such condition is body dysmorphic disorder in which a person is overwhelmed by an apparent perception or actual “abnormality” in their physical appearance. While most people without the disorder will quickly dismiss these “perceptions” as individualistic or perfectly acceptable, those undergoing the condition feel incomplete in some way.

This condition results in a significant social impairment or emotional problems. The person has a low perception of their self-image and they feel like the only way to restore their self-confidence is to alter their physical image through cosmetic surgery procedures. Since the perception is in the mind, they will not feel satisfied with a single procedure but find themselves going for a series of subsequent surgeries to improve their already enhanced looks. Hence, cosmetic surgery addiction is born.

Social factors are other causes for cosmetic surgery addiction. The common belief among celebrities in America and Europe is that their image is crucial for their line of occupation. They believe they have to modify their bodies and faces in order to look leaner, younger and more beautiful than the other celebrity.

Non-celebrities with “image-problems” get the impression that to make it in a world in which the image speaks a lot, they have to modify their physical image through plastic surgeries. Before one knows it, they have undergone several cosmetic surgery procedures and they are not yet satisfied with the results.

Why don’t the Addicts seek Help?

There are no regulations against undergoing multiple or a series of consecutive plastic surgeries. If the individuals asking for the cosmetic modifications have the money to pay for these procedures, then they will not be stopped for any reason.

Most doctors will perform the procedures as long as one is fit to undergo the procedures. For this reason, these individuals do not realize it when they are going too far or are getting addicted and they do not feel like they need any assistance.

Individuals who compulsively undergo cosmetic surgery suffer from underlying issues mental or emotional insecurities. They find the numerous surgeries a much needed outlet for such insecurities. They may not realize what they are undergoing but they will act out these desires instead of trying to seek help or find alternative avenues to find a relief from their condition.

How can Addicts be Helped?

People with body dysmorphic disorder run to cosmetic surgery to help them ease their distress. However, since the condition is a mental disorder plastic surgery cannot fully satisfy the urge to look better.

This is why individuals with the disorder will undergo a series of surgeries and still feel unaccomplished. The only way to address the disorder is if one comes to terms with the reality of their situation and seeking means for mentally coping with their condition.

Perhaps the only true assistance any plastic surgery addict will find helpful is if their very mind-set is altered. They need to appreciate that their image is perfect and that whatever insecurities they feel about their image, they are only perceived and not real. They exist only in their minds.