Interview Preparation: Easier than you think!

Have you recently applied to a new job, but have found that the nerves about the interview process are really starting to get to you? Don’t worry, here are 4 simple tips on how to prepare effectively, overcome your fears and smash the interview!
Before the application process, a thorough research into the place you are applying to is obvious- however, to really feel confident in the interview, understanding the core concepts of the company or work environment is recommended. Not only does it show your interest in the job but allows you to firmly establish if it is the right place for you. Applying through social work agencies can also give you additional support in terms of what to expect at the different locations- getting to grips with the local life is helpful too, as well as understanding the key elements of the company.
Talking to those that have applied to similar jobs, or indeed have been through the application process themselves is invaluable; it allows you to fully understand what it takes to survive the trials of the employment market. When preparing for the interview, remembering your competition is vital too. Appreciating others will have different talents and other skills to you can help overcome the competition, as you can prepare to have your weaknesses challenged- however, only you really know your key skills and values, so try and maximise these in the interview.
Organising yourself is crucial before an interview. It removes a lot of the stress on the day as you can be confident in your own planning, while also allowing you to be focused solely on the interview. Preparing your transport and any important documents is imperative, with alternative options of getting to the interview on time available- after all, you don’t want your stress-free plan ruined because of traffic!
When preparing for the application process itself, try and maintain as much of your own personality in your cv or application forms. Remember your employers aren’t hiring qualifications, it is the people and their characters too. Sustaining your personality from the application forms and into the interview is also challenging; focusing on presenting you in the best light is essential, but don’t be afraid to show off your individuality a bit. If, however, you present yourself as someone other than who you really are, the employer won’t properly understand how you would fit into the work environment, or indeed the company culture itself.