
How to Use Psychology Concepts When Creating Websites?

It can be quite difficult get people engaged with our website. For many website owners this could be an ever-increasing problem. For Internet users, they also need to deal with a huge tidal wave of never-ending information that relentlessly crash to the shore of their mind. With the potential chaos, people will try to find order and choose websites that can provide them with the biggest value. In this situation, it is important for web designers to consider various psychological factors to improve the chance of the website of getting visited by many people. As an example, we may need to aim for the subconscious.

Whatever we may think, people are controlled by their subconscious mind. We may think that we have free choice, but our “free choice” itself is determined by basic thoughts and perceptions in our subconscious mind. We should know how people build their decisions and we need to understand things related to subconscious activities. It means that websites should touch on the basic requirement of each individual, such as comfort and satisfaction. In fact, it is even better if users think that the website is all about them. Our design will become much more efficient if it targets the hunger reflex of visitors’ mind.

Web designers should focus on connecting. They need to know that people are social. There’s a good reason for this: people are unable to live alone and they tend to create groups. An essential component in our lives is positive social connections. Human as a whole is a successful species due to near-random combinations of genetics. It means that web designers should look for ways to readers to communicate with one another. As an example, they could add an easy-to-use comment box where people can discuss with one another. A highly social website will likely obtain loyal following.

Web designers also need to create something that’s familiar to the target consumer. People will be much more interested when they see something that they are familiar with. Although the website could have some differences, it is important to make sure that there more similarities than differences. The website should be created to the image of our visitors. If our consumers are young and trendy, we should make sure that our website is the same. If our consumers are older and more knowledgeable, our website should match their preferences. So, as soon as people see our website, their first thought should be that it is their kind of website. If we do this, consumers are more likely to stay.

We also need to reduce brain effort. Our brain burns about 20 percent of calorie intake each day. It is a hard-working organ and never really rest. Even dreaming is considered as an intensive brain activity. For this reason, our brain tries to make things more efficient and it seeks the easiest way to achieve something. It means that our website should significantly reduce brain effort. In this case, our brain will decide whether we need to stop or continue reading.