
How to Tell if Candida is Making You Sick

Candida albicans is a fungus that naturally resides in your intestinal tract. Normally it coexists along with about 400 other microorganisms without issue. However, if Candida albicans grows disproportionately to those other microorganisms, it can cause some major problems. Candida overgrowth, also known as Candidiasis, is hard to diagnose, so it’s a good idea for you to learn as much as you can about the condition so you can spot it as soon as possible.

Symptoms. One of the primary reasons doctors have such a difficult time diagnosing Candida overgrowth is because the condition is often disguised as any of a number of other, seemingly unrelated, health problems. Because Candida overgrowth is a systemic condition, it may affect every part of your body, and in a variety of ways. The first tale-tell sign is digestion problems that won’t go away; these may be anything from diarrhea to constipation. Chronic yeast infections that are resistant to treatments, in any part of the body (vaginal yeast infections, jock itch, athlete’s foot, ringworm, etc.), are often indicative of Candidiasis.

Common culprits. There are certain lifestyles that naturally make you more susceptible to Candida overgrowth. Assess where you stand in these categories to determine the likelihood of you falling victim of one of these common culprits: moderate to severe alcohol use, diet high in sugars and other carbohydrates, immune deficiency illnesses, pregnancy, cohabitation with someone who has frequent yeast infections, frequent use of antibiotics, use of birth control pills, and frequent douching.

The spit test. While there is no sure way to diagnose yourself from home (it’s hard enough to reach a diagnosis for Candida overgrowth in the doctor’s office), there is a very simple test you can do at home to at least get some idea of whether or not you should be suspicious enough of Candida overgrowth to pay a visit to your physician. This is called the spit test, and it’s deceptively easy. First thing in the morning, before you eat, drink, or brush your teeth, fill a clear glass with water and spit in it. Don’t stir the mixture; just allow it to sit for 10 minutes. At the end of 10 minutes, examine the glass to see if your spit is floating on the top. If it is, you have healthy saliva, but if instead, your spit has broken up into cloudy parts and sunk into the water, you might be infected with Candidiasis.

Finding answers to your Candida crusher questions and then finding treatment for Candida overgrowth is a process that encompasses a number of factors. If you suspect that your mysterious sickness might be due to this condition, it is a good idea to see your doctor as soon as possible.