
How to spring clean your business

Cleanliness in the workplace is always important, and many organizations have instituted cleaning services, codes of conduct and other procedures to maintain a safe, sanitary environment. Despite these efforts though, clutter and filth are bound to accumulate. Corners get ignored, closets pile up with forgotten items and employees turn their backs on messes in hopes that someone else will pick up the slack.

Every now and then, a little extra effort is needed to keep the build-up to a minimum. Spring cleaning is a time-honored tradition at home, and there’s no reason you can’t or shouldn’t implement this approach at your business. Here’s a guide to help you structure this annual cleaning event to yield effective change on your business grounds.

Focus on walkways

Walkways are a prime location for falls and other accidents if they aren’t kept clean at all times. As part of your business’s spring cleaning, review all walkways, stairwells and doorways for possible safety hazards. Whether it’s grime creating slippery stairs, unexpected obstacles lurking around corners or even cables and other tripping hazards running across a walkway, make an effort to clean these surfaces and remove all potential hazards.

Institute cleanup time during shifts

Cleanliness is a team effort. Enlist your employees to help by establishing cleaning time at some point during their shifts. An easy time for this to occur is the last five or 10 minutes before the end of a shift, but you can structure this time however you please. With this much manpower being focused on cleaning—even for just a short time—you should be able to see positive gains quickly, and without shelling out money to bring in outside cleaning companies.

Create a checklist

Whether your company is a factory, a restaurant, a more traditional office or some other setting, it’s wise to create a cleaning checklist that contains objectives related to your type of business. For example, a restaurant’s checklist might include items like a weekly deep-cleaning of a fryer, while an office environment might benefit from regular shredding of documents. Focus on details your facility has struggled with in the past and educate your employees on the checklist to keep these concerns top-of-mind not just in the spring, but throughout the year.

Stock up on important items in bulk

Regular cleaning around your workplace can’t be ignored, and completing such tasks will inevitably require certain supplies. To save money while remaining well-stocked on cleaning essentials, buy these items in bulk from a wholesale provider. Load up on the basics, including cleaning fluids, scrubbing pads, trash bags in different sizes, paper towels and so on. The long-term savings will be huge, and you’ll never have an excuse to delay a cleaning task.

Pull unnecessary items out of storage

It’s easy to put non-everyday-use items into storage to deal with later. But if you never clean out these areas, they can quickly swallow your available storage space. Set aside time to go through your company’s storage areas to get rid of anything you don’t need. Recycle or donate any items that are still in good condition but no longer necessary, and throw the rest away to clear out your space.

In many cases, a lack of cleanliness in a workplace can be traced back to a lack of procedure. Not only is deep cleaning an important part of your springtime routine, but it’s a worthwhile opportunity to revisit your current workplace practices to make changes when necessary. That should improve sanitary habits throughout the year and make next year’s spring cleaning a little easier.