
How To Respond To An Injury At Home, At School, and At Play

Children get injured far more than non-parents might assume. If you’ve got a child, it’s important to know what to do in several different injury scenarios. Below are brief tips on how to deal with injuries at home, at play, and at school.

At Home

Dealing with an injury at home allows you a few luxuries that you won’t have anywhere else. First and foremost, you can put all of your attention on your child directly—if you have other people in the home, get them out of the room if they aren’t able to help. Apply what first aid you can directly and then determine if you need to go to the Emergency Room for more help. Above all else, you should concentrate on your child and make sure that he or she doesn’t panic. When you’re at home, you can exercise as much control over the situation as possible.

At Play

When your child is injured at play, you’ll need to do a little extra work. Make sure that no one is panicking, of course, but also make sure that everyone around your child is aware of what has happened. Gather as much information as you can about what caused the injury, generally in as calm and level a tone as possible. Once you have the information you need, you can begin trying to help your child. If the injury is serious, have someone else call 911. Depending on the severity of the injury, the information you gathered might be needed when you contact a lawyer.

At School

It’s difficult to deal with an injury at school. Since you won’t be there and you generally can’t deal with the situation on your own, you’ll need to exercise a bit more patience than normal. Make sure you get all of the school’s relevant information, including information about what caused your child’s injury. If the injury was serious enough to warrant your child’s trip to the doctor, you will probably need insurance information from the school as well. Don’t be afraid to call a lawyer like Kidwell & Gallagher LTD if things are serious—this is precisely the kind of situation that often warrants legal intervention.

As a parent, your role will always be to care for your child. In the situations in which you have a choice, try to take charge when possible and relinquish controls to trained professionals when it is not. Put aside everything but your desire to get your child through the situation and you should be able to make the best choices.