
How To Put Romance Back Into Your Life

After we’ve been together with someone for a long period of time it becomes slightly inevitable that the romance will start to wane in comparison to the early days of courtship. A loving relationship isn’t solely based on romance and a lot of other factors also come into play when considering why we stay with our chosen partner.

Understanding, intelligence and a good sense of humour, all help us to bond closer together however, it’s often the desire for more romance that will sometimes become a stumbling block. It’s easy to say that women need more loving than men however, this is not always the case and there are plenty of chaps out there who enjoy a good pampering.

These days, romance can be viewed in a number of different ways and from doing the cleaning to releasing the TV remote, whatever works for both of you should certainly be taken as a positive. We are often bombarded by images of what romance should be and traditional romantic values are sometimes what we strive for in a relationship.

If you feel that you and your other half could do with a quick injection of traditional romance that doesn’t revolve around taking out the rubbish, then check out the five top tips below that I feel will aid your cause.

Candlelit suppers

An oldie but a goodie and in these days of celebrity chefs and round-the-clock cooking channels there really are no excuses for not being able to cook. Grab yourself an easy to follow recipe, buy the ingredients and follow the instructions to the letter, what could be easier? Setting the scene is key too so make sure you turn off the TV, dim the lights and lay the table for the occasion.

Date nights

It’s easy to forget what brought us together in the first place and if you can search your memory for those very first dates that introduced you to each other then why not start them all over again? A night at the movies, going to a gig or just meeting up at the pub are all great options – just make sure you both give yourself a specific date and then make sure you stick to it.

Love letters

In these days of emails, text messages and social media it’s difficult to remember times gone by when we expressed ourselves through pen and paper however, if you really want to put romance back into your life then that’s exactly what you should be considering. Leave a few little notes under a pillow or write a couple of pages expressing your love – what have you got to lose?

Take a break

We all fall into the trap of: work, TV, sleep, and it’s very tricky to crow-bar romance into this equation so why bother? Get yourself out of the house or, better still, out of the country and take a well-earned break together. European city breaks, small ship cruises or all-inclusive beach resorts are all fabulous for re-igniting the romance in your life so what are you waiting for?

Head for the hills

Getting out into the great blue yonder certainly ignites sparks of romance that can be missing in our infinite city existence. Heading for the countryside and soaking up that bracing country air on a weekend stroll is exactly what the Love Dr ordered and if you get the chance for a few drinks by the fire and a pub lunch then that’s when things really start to heat up, in more ways than one!

Biog: Chris has a wife and two kids and is always thinking of different ways to put a little romance into all their lives.