
How To Prepare Yourself For Fertility Treatments

preimplantation genetic screening

If you are going to undergo preimplantation genetic screening you must first prepare yourself; body, mind and spirit to obtain the most optimal result. This is your part in the process and treating your body as the temple from which new life springs will help. This means eating right, resting and staying stress-free and this is why. Even though the screening process is only there to look for genetic markers and such that may seem as if they should have nothing to do with the care of the body, mind and spirit; you must think of the process you have chosen to take on after the fact. Remaining positive through the process and preparing to heal from the screening so that you can move to the next phase will help keep you on the track you need.

Prepare yourself for What to Expect

This is a daunting time for you and your partner and if you are alone, it can even be a bit isolating and frightening. There is always a healthy amount of concern to be expected. After all, the result from the preimplantation genetic screening will tell you whether what the health of a child in your charge will likely be. This can send a lot of thoughts through your head causing chemicals in the body like cortisol to wreak havoc on already taxed hormones. There are proactive steps that you can take in order for you to make the process easier and to make you feel more empowered and in control of your own process.

You can do some Research ahead of Time and Collect necessary Data.

Know your family history and dig around to find out what, if anything you family is pre-disposed to. Make sure you know as much of your partner’s family history as well. If any mental illness runs in the family you need to know. If any congenital disorders run in the family you also need to know. You may not be privy to too much information but get as much as you can. This way, you are more mentally prepared if there is something that you have to make a decision about.

Have a thorough Talk with your Preimplantation Genetic Screening Doctor

Have a heart to heart with the doctor who will perform the procedure. This is not the consultation that we are referring to. This is an in-depth airing of your concerns. If you cannot speak with the doctor in a satisfactory way, then you should perhaps look for another clinic. Make sure they are available to you so that you can express your concerns as well as have all your pertinent questions answered. Make sure they are not just another egg mill that shuffles people in and out in an assembly-line fashion.

In conclusion, this is a serious process and involves your future so make sure you are asked if there are any questions or concern up until the very last moment on the day of the preimplantation genetic screening procedure.