
How To Make The Most Of Your Time In College

College is a time in your life when you get to experiment with your interests, people and yourself. You don’t want to be one of those students who spends all of their time in the dorm room studying and not having any type of social life or extracurricular activities. Get involved as much as you can and get to know people. You won’t be able to relive these years, so make the most of them. If you’re not at home studying for Washington State’s online mba degree, then you need to be more open to exploring your campus.

The following tips can help you make the most out of your college career.

Allow Others to Tutor You

If you’re struggling with a subject or feel it’s a bit too complex for your understanding, try having someone from your class tutor you. The professor is likely busy grading papers. Some offer tutoring sessions, but these won’t be as personal as working one on one with someone who can take their time to explain concepts until you get it right. Not only will a tutor help you get better grades, but you may also earn a new friend.

Study Outside the Dorm Room

Face it, you’re going to spend countless hours studying for tests and exams. But does it have to be inside of your dorm room? Absolutely not! In fact, it’s recommended that you choose another spot to study, so that you can get out of your dusty room and enjoy some fresh air and fresh faces. You can go to a student lounge, local cafe shop or a library.

Don’t Throw Away Course Materials

You should hold on to your course materials even after you have already graduated. You never know when you need a quick refresher. You can also use these materials to help you in future courses. Summer and winter break can sometimes drill holes in your memory, so keep those notes to help revive your thoughts.

Identify Credit Requirements for Freshman Year

Each school has a list of credits that are required for you to graduate. Take the 20 minutes it takes to read over it to ensure you have planned out your next few years properly. You don’t want to end up missing graduation because you are missing one or so credits. Numbers show that 36 percent of students graduate within four years, while 40 percent are still in school six years later. Don’t be one of those guys!

Be Open to Trying New Things

You’re going to meet a lot of new people, hopefully, which means you’re going to be introduced to a plethora of new concepts, ideas and activities. Be open to trying them out to see if you like them. It’s a great way to experiment a little and see what you actually like. You’d never know unless you gave it a go. As they say, don’t knock it before you try it!

If you want to look back on your college years with a smile, keep these tips in mind during freshman year!