
How To Know If You Are Ready For Yoga Teacher Training

Teaching is the most exhilarating and inspiring experience that one can have and yoga can empower your inner soul. Blending the two gives us a fabulous outcome – Yoga Teacher training. Since you have decided to go through all the stages of yoga teacher training, when exactly is the ‘perfect’ timing for enrolling in the program?

We here will get you a walk-through of a list of facts about teacher training that you ought to know before enrolling yourself into one. Scroll over!

  1. Comfort Level in Yoga

If are wondering about whether or not to enrol in the teacher training program, you must make sure that you are comfortable in practising with the basic asanas and feel at ease when you are engaged in the intermediate class. Being comfortable in the Level 2 of yoga doesn’t really mean that you need to know every asana of the advanced level, may it be arm balance, inversion etc – but you must be comfortable in doing some of them.

  1. Love for Learning Yoga

One of the most crucial things in teacher training is the love and passion for learning more about yoga. It is not necessary that you are perfect in everything in the expert level yoga but the feelings of striving to learn more, push, experiment and study are what makes your teacher training experience worth giving a shot. If you have a desire to learn more, you can surpass all the barriers in your way and succeed in achieving TT.

  1. Present Circumstances

It may be one of the possible scenarios – one, that you want to pursue TT and you have the time, money and place in your life at the moment & two, that you have been wishing to engage in TT for the past many years but were unable to do so due to some hurdle. Just remember one thing in life pals – if you have a dream and you have the ability and circumstance of fulfilling that dream, DO NOT wait and just do it.

  1. Choosing the perfect Yoga training studio

The teacher and yoga studio you are going to learn in plays a key role in your TT. You need the find the one program that suits you the best. Every teacher has their own style of teaching and every yoga studio has a different environment. You need to find the perfect among the rest.

  1. Not sure? Give it a shot!

It is probable that you might not be sure about whether to enrol in yoga TT or not. If you have doubts, just give it a go. Try the small duration TT and look for yourself – is it interesting? When you try the Level 1 & 2 of the TT, you may start to love it, you never know.

Yoga teacher training is a big career choice for some and an old dream-to-come-true for others. It is quite amazing and if you have even a bit urge to do it – then just do it!