Carpets can transform the space around them. They can blend with the flooring and help accentuate any furniture you want to highlight. We often buy carpets and tend to not pay too much attention to them.

The amount of particulate matter that settles on the carpet is overlooked. The usual sources of particulates are microbial pathogens, dust mites, outdoor emissions, and various volatile organic particles that are emitted from paint and home appliances. Then there is also mildew which can emit strong odours.
Keeping your carpet germ-free becomes essential when you have such a vast variety of particles residing in them. Let’s look at a few ways on how to clean carpets.

  • Vacuuming – Carpet cleaning should begin with basic vacuuming as this is an effective step to removing debris. Although vacuuming alone is not enough but it is recommended to to vacuum the carpet on a regular basis.
  • Vinegar – As mentioned before mildew can be hard to remove as it sticks to the carpet fibers. A vinegar solution with hot water can work efficiently in removing the smell from the carpet. Ensure not to use too much vinegar and allow some time of up to 5 minutes for the solution to work.
  • Baking Soda – This is an inexpensive way to keep your carpet germ-free as baking soda is a household item and is easily available. It also acts as a natural deodorizer. Apply in generous quantities over stained areas with warm water sprinkled over it. Let it dry and then vacuum your carpet to give it a fresh new look.
  • Carpet Shampoos – There are a lot of special carpet cleaning products available in the market for specific types of carpet material. A carpet shampoo can be used with hot water to remove stains, dirt, pet hair, dust, and any other allergens trapped in the carpet. These are also harmless to the carpet and rugs which makes them a great choice for the annual carpet cleaning.
  • Steam Cleaning – A steam cleaning machine works best to remove deeper stains and grime stuck in the carpet. It requires a prior dry vacuuming to allow dust and larger particles to be cleaned. It’s an effective method to clean carpets. The only downside to this is that it may take over 8 – 24 hours for the carpet to completely dry.

Check out the carpet collection at to add the perfect carpet to your living room. With these methods applied at regular intervals, you can keep your carpet germ-free and odourless.