
How To Install Joist Hangers

How To Install Joist Hangers

Joist hangers are important when it comes to making sure that beams in the garden, especially on the walls, are decked well so you can be sure that they’ll be able to hold the weight that they’re supposed to carry. That said, you have to make sure that these hangers are installed properly, or else they wouldn’t be able to do their job.

How then do you install joist and beam hangers? Here’s what you have to keep in mind:

1. Nail the Joists to the Ledger

For this, you will need a 16d Galvanized Nail. Deck the head of the joist to the ledger by hammering it in. Make sure to use common nails if you’re working indoors, and use hot-dipped or galvanized nails if you’re working outdoors.

2. Establish the Hanger

The next thing you have to do is squeeze the hanger around the joist itself. Then, you have to make sure that the speed prongs are driven into the board so that they’d be able to keep the joists in place. You also have to make sure that there are no gaps around the joist, whether over or under, and that everything is tucked into place—or you’d have to do this step all over again.

3. Nailing Time!

Now, it’s time for you to make sure that those joints are fastened to the wall ledgers. Go on and fill all the flanges of the joists. You’ll know how much you need to fill up since the number is usually indicated in the manual, so don’t forget to consult that.

Garden decking is easy when you know how to install those joist hangers. Keep these tips in mind and you’ll surely be on the right track!