
How To Get Started Making A Living Gambling

Have you ever dreamed about quitting your job so you could become a full-time gambler? Most people think this is a pipe dream. They are led to believe that it could never actually happen.

Guess what?

There are more people making a living gambling than you could ever imagine. And if these guys and gals can do it, you can do it too! Wisdom suggests that you do not wager your employee disability insurance check or the last dollar of open credit on your charge card, but you will have to take some risk in order to win big.

How to Get an Edge While Gambling

If you’re ever going to attempt to make a living as a gambler, you’ll have to learn how to develop an edge so that the odds are in your favor.

Well, if you’re serious about this then you’ll have to take the time to learn about probability.

Yes, you have to learn how to do the math. Because mathematical probability is what’s going to keep you in the game and winning money consistently so that you can support yourself and the people that count on you the most.

As a professional gambler, your only goal is to bet when the odds are in your favor. And the odds are only going to be in your favor when you have a mathematical edge.

So, if you’re ready to get serious, take some time to read up on the topic and learn about mathematical probability and how it will make you a much better gambler once you master this skill.

Playing Professional Blackjack

So, you want to become a professional blackjack player, right? How’re you going to make that happen?

Honestly, blackjack is one of the best games that a player with skill can use to get an edge on the house.

What is that edge? Card counting!

You asked so I told you the truth. We’ve all seen movies where the card counters end up getting their butts kicked and thrown out of the casino.

That’s a little dramatic. But you can bet your bottom dollar that the casinos don’t like card counters in the least.

If you’re ready to become a professional gambler playing blackjack, you’ll have to learn how to count cards and do this religiously.

Plus, you’ll have to figure out a way to make it not seem so obvious to the dealer, the pit boss, and everyone else watching you clean out the house.

Sports Betting As a Profession

Next, we’ll take a quick look at sports betting.

Remember, it’s never going to be easy to become a professional sports bettor. In truth, the odds really aren’t in your favor.

To become a success at sports betting, you have to consistently when more than 50% of the bets you place. And that’s only going to help barely break even.

To have your best chance at becoming a professional, you’ll have to look for in accurate situations that put the odds in your favor.

You’ll really have to focus on betting lines to find those anomalies that stand out and will help you make a whole lot of money.

Professional Online Poker Players

Last but not least, you may want to become a professional gambler that works from home right from the comfort of your computer.
To do that, you’ll have to master online poker playing.

Honestly, the best way to become a pro is to track every poker hand you play. Really write everything down to figure out your strengths and weaknesses.

According to, promoter of New Jersey online casinos, “Use codes when signing up for your new player account to get the maximum bonus available.”

By using codes, you’ll put more money in your pocket that you can use to learn to master online poker playing and become a pro.


It is possible to make a living gambling. But you have to be willing to put in the time, effort, and work to make your dream a reality, so that’s what you should do.

Author Bio:

Pat Sava

Title: Super-Connector at OutreachMama

Pat is a super-connector with Towering SEO and OutreachMama who helps businesses find their audience online through outreach, partnerships, and networking. He frequently writes about the latest advancements in digital marketing and focuses his efforts on developing customized blogger outreach plans depending on the industry and competition.