
How To Explore The Slot Canyons Of Southern Utah Via The River

You love kayaking, right? Of course you do. What could be better than cruising the waters of America, taking in the cleanest breath you’ve ever taken, absorbing the unbelievable sights like no one else can. On a personal mission to discover the most breathtaking, cherished run. If this sounds like you, then you defiantly need to head straight to Southern Utah’s Slot Canyons. With so many beautiful hikes, it’s a whole new experience every time.

Guide me Through

When you do decide to float the slot canyons, you’ll find that there are different ways to explore the beauty of Utah. One way is to take a guided tour. A guided tour at Lake Powell offers you a safe way to travel with someone who knows the ins and outs of the territory. Plus many companies around there will usually offer rentals to those without their own equipment. This can also be a wonderful way to spend some time with your whole family, while kayaking, hiking and swimming all in one trip.

Explore the Wonders

Whether you are with the family or getting away with just a friend Lake Powell is going to be your main source for adventure. Kayaking around the lake allows you to find some different run offs that lead you to places you can’t imagine. Five miles away from the tourist main hangout is where the canyon meets the main channel of Lake Powell. From there you can paddle through the lower parts and check out the flooded end of Antelope Canyon. From there you can paddle up about one mile from Antelope Marina and find the mouth of the canyon. Once you’re in the canyon you’ll find yourself traveling down narrow passages with tall walls on either side of you getting more compressed with every bend, and very few ledges or beaches that are accessible to get out on. The feeling of that can be a little over whelming, yet so calming at the same time.

Get Ready

For a trip as special as the Slot Canyons, you should make sure that all your gear is up to date starting with your kayak. When paddling Lake Powell you’re not going to want some over-sized kayak you picked up at a yard sale last summer. You’re going to want something nice and sleek that you can sneak into all those little caves and tight passage ways that the slot canyons can provide for you. So if you’re going to do it, do it right with a brand new kayak from Caney Fork Outdoors, you won’t regret it.

Check out Other Slot Canyons

Now if you’re a little more adventurous and would also like to explore the unknown on foot, then you should consider Labyrinth Slot Canyon. A lesser known slot canyon that is only accessible by kayak. It is almost a mile long with plenty of twists and turns to navigate through, and guarantees a true adventure.

The Slot Canyons of Southern Utah, the place where dreams could come true. Come, paddle, hike, swim and fall in love with slot canyons.