
How To Ensure Health and Safety When Travelling

How To Ensure Health and Safety When Travelling

One of the most important things you can do when planning a trip is to plan for what you don’t want to happen. That’s right. After you’ve worked out all the details of your dream trip – the perfect destination, just-right accommodations, and daily activities – make sure you take the time to plan for unexpected occurrences. This includes planning how to stay as healthy as possible and what to do if you happen to become ill or get hurt after all.

Pack Health Items

No matter where you are going, it’s important to put together a basic first aid kit and to pack any prescriptions or medical treatments that you use on a regular basis. Create a first aid kit based on the activities you are planning. At the least, include bandages, antibacterial wipes and ointments, and the like. Don’t forget things such as blood pressure medicine or diabetes monitoring kits, if you use them. Also pack basic supplies in case you come down with something simple such as a cold; bring basic pain and fever reducers, tissue, and a thermometer, for example.

Traveler’s Insurance

You may not want to add another expense to your package, but traveler’s insurance is well worth the investment. This insurance will cover the cost of unexpected problems such as illness or injury. According to the U.S. Travel Insurance Association, most policies cover the cost of having to cancel, delay or cut short a trip because of illness. They can include medical insurance, evacuation costs, help finding local medical care and assistance communicating with your emergency contacts.

Plan for your Destination’s Unique Medical Concerns

Some destinations may expose you to illnesses which you are not used to at home. Ask your travel agent about any recommended vaccinations or about advice on drinking water, insect-borne diseases, and similar concerns. If you are going to a country where there are potentially fatal diseases, such as Ebola, make sure to educate yourself about where in that region the risk is greatest, how to reduce your risk of getting sick, and where to get help if you need it. Although the African safaris and tours provided by Roho Ya Chui are far from any Ebola outbreak area, the company works with outfitters to provide complete cancellation policies for clients in the unlikely event that the virus spreads to a safari location, according to the website. Some policies offer full refunds or postponements at no additional cost. Roho Ya Chui will advise clients about the Ebola cancellation policies available for each program.

Take the time to plan for unexpected illness or injury, and you will be able to set out on your journey knowing you will have both the financial and medical help you need should such an event occur. Becoming sick is not part of your dream trip, but having a plan to deal with it will make coping less stressful and get you more quickly on the road to recovery so you can plan your next excursion.