
How to Create a Stylish Home Office

Working from home is becoming more and more common thanks to the internet revolution. People are running Ecommerce businesses from their kitchen tables, they’re offering their management services from sheds and sitting rooms across the world and if you’re one of these entrepreneurs then you will know how awkward it can be!

A bright, contemporary home office.

Looking after your business in the best manner possible is an important factor in running a successful enterprise, you can’t run an empire from a dining room table…you need a peaceful haven from which to work and network.

The first thing to consider when planning the perfect home office is location; it’s no use siting your office in the middle of all the action, so in most homes that would rule out the kitchen and the sitting room.

If however you live alone then you have the luxury of more options and can select from another standpoint. Good tips to remember regarding placement include noise from outside sources…you don’t want to be disturbed by barking dogs, traffic or children playing and neither do you want too good a view! You need a peaceful area with no distractions, this is why many people choose the spare bedroom for their home office.

If you do not have a spare bedroom then you could consider siting your office in an outbuilding such as a shed or caravan; both can make excellent places to hide away when you need to be alone! This is a great option for those short on indoor space.

Otherwise, the quietest room in your home is your best option; for some this might mean a small desk in the sitting or dining room…if this is the case then you have to think carefully about storage for files and paperwork.

A warm, cosy feel can be created in a home office by using natural colours and adding personal touches.

Once you have chosen your space, look at your seating and desk. A good quality seat is of major importance and next to your PC should be your biggest investment.

Ergonomic design and back-friendly structure is important so try to buy your chair in person so that you can try it out!

Once your seating and desk are in place, look to storage. If you are lucky and do not need many files or papers to do your work, then you will only need a telephone and some basics such as notepaper, pens and wastepaper basket!

This is the best situation as it means you can slot your business space into any spare corner. Space saving desks are a great idea and if you are handy with a saw you can create a design suited to your needs and to your space out of hardboard.

This is a very cheap option and once your efforts are given a coat of paint and you’ve added a few personal touches, you will have a very neat set-up that will provide the perfect space for your business.

Working from home is a great way to make a living if you are organised but be aware that your work space needs to be well managed…don’t let day to day life sneak into your office space!