
How To Create A Resume That Goes Viral

Why create a resume that goes viral?

Job search can be a harrowing process which demands time, fortitude and ability to showcase your skill sets in an impressive manner. A unique resume can help.

Job seekers today are becoming more and more innovative with resume designs using social media such as Pinterest, Facebook, and Twitter, or personal websites to showcase their portfolios. Black-and-white resumes are OUT and crazy and out-of-the-box is IN! Employers are captivated by cool designing, innovative marketing, and brilliant technical prowess. So if you have to impress an employer or hiring manager, then you better think about creating an eye-catching resume.

Building a Resume that may go viral

There are many different ways in which job seekers can create outstanding resumes. Here are a few ways to help you build a resume that will make recruiters go ‘WOW!’

Create an infographic resume

If your job is going to involve work with data visualization or graphics then it’s in your best interests to create an infographic resume. Infographic resumes need to be packed with information about your interests, your skills, and your qualifications. Infographic resumes are a brilliant way to advertise your personal brand.

Make a video resume

When you create a video resume, you are advertising the fact that you are adept at handling multimedia and you know how to use multimedia to promote yourself. Introducing your skills via video allows an employer to judge your communication skills, your personality, and your compatibility with their organization’s work culture, in a much better way. A video resume is an outstanding way to get the prospective employer to notice you.

Incorporate QR code

QR codes are basically bar codes that direct people to your personal website when they are read by a smart phone. It’s a time-consuming process to figure out where you want the QR code to direct visitors or employers to on your website. Before you use this technology to enhance your resume, it’s imperative that you understand how it works first.

Make it digital

Create a digital resume on your personal website instead of relying on LinkedIn and Word documents to showcase your skills. A great-looking digital resume will not only demonstrate your technical and web designing skills but also make it a more compelling read for the recruiting manager.

Use PowerPoint

If your future company appreciates presentations then maybe you can work towards building a resume – PowerPoint style. Not all PowerPoint presentations are boring; with a little bit of creativity, they can be made interesting, interactive, and engaging for the employers.

These are just a few of the ways in which you can make your resume go viral.

Important Things you NEED to consider for Resume Building

Besides making your resume an interesting read for the hiring manager, you also have to ensure that certain basic components are included in your resume, whether it’s an online or offline one. Here are a few things you need to keep in mind when you are creating your resume:

Make sure you have considered where you are applying

The type of resume you need to create depends on the job to which you are applying. If people at the company are not going to appreciate your resume then there is no point in applying there. Also, never use the same resume for different job applications. You need to tailor the resume according to the job profile.

Emphasize the brand ‘YOU’

Your resume has to reflect your personality and should state clearly who you are. Your resume needs to define you and your talent. Use critical feedback from professors, former employers, and friends to make a perfect resume.

Resume building should be ‘FUN’ At the end of the day, you should love your job. Building a resume is a part of securing that job. So have fun while you create your resume. Let it not be a boring and tedious task.

Showcase your resume

Don’t wait until it’s all complete before you show your resume to others. Sometimes feedback in the early stages can help you shape your resume better.

Accept criticism

Constructive criticism always helps you learn and above all, it helps you grow. Friends and family may have better tricks and tips for creating a resume, so accept their criticism with grace.

It is very difficult to predict the effect that your resume will have on an employer. But, it’s good to be prepared by using creative tools to help your resume stand out from the rest. Make the resume building process fun and you will see that the entire job search process appears a lot less tedious.

Author Bio: Ralph Coleman is well established counselor who provides relevant information to help job seekers stand out from among thousands of others. Our team of resume writing experts provide crucial insights into the latest hiring and recruiting trends to help candidates create engaging resumes that open doors to interviews with reputed companies. Visit for more details.