
How To Completely Change Your Sleeping Pattern

How To Completely Change Your Sleeping Pattern

Has your sleeping pattern slipped out of kilter? Are you struggling to get to sleep? Do you find yourself waking in the night? These problems can take their toll on your mood, relationships with others and performance levels at school, college or work. Establishing a sleep routine is really important for facilitating good quality sleep and this can make all the difference to how you and the people are you feel. Whether you struggle with snoring, suffer from insomnia or you find it hard to switch off when you get back from work, here are some tips to change your sleeping pattern. You can get more tips from your nearest snoring disorder centre.

Relax and Unwind

In the evenings, you should take steps to allow your body and mind to relax. Leave work at work and ensure your home is haven. Try to avoid checking emails or making work-related phone calls and do something you find relaxing. This could be grabbing a drink with a friend, reading a book or chilling out with the family in front of the TV.

Eat Early

It can be difficult to get to sleep after a heavy meal, so try to stick to a routine for your meals and eat at least 2 hours before your normal bed time.

Have a Bath

Having a bath is a good way to mentally and physically prepare for sleep. Bath time should be calming, so shut the door, put on some music and lie back. When you have a bath, the drop in temperature you experience when you get out mimics the decrease in temperature from day to night, so you should sleep better.

Dim the Lights

In the evenings, dim the lights and avoid sitting in bright light. Use candles or lamps to create a serene, cosy environment in the living room and avoid using the main lights in the bedroom when you’re getting ready for bed.

Invest in Blackout Blinds or Heavy Curtains

Light can stimulate the senses and ready the body for the day ahead as well as making it hard to fall asleep, so it’s worth investing in some thick curtains or blackout blinds. If your bedroom is very dark, it’s likely to be easier to fall asleep at night.

Open the Curtains

When you wake up in the morning, open the curtains wide and let the light in. This will help to wake you up and set you up for the day ahead.

Avoid Caffeine

Drinking caffeinated drinks throughout the day can affect your sleep pattern, so try to avoid drinking anything that contains caffeine after midday. Caffeine can help to give you a boost in the morning, but drinking it through the day can have the same effect in the evening.

Exercise During the Day

Exercise can help to revive and relax you and it’s really beneficial for both your mental and physical health. It’s generally recommended to exercise during the day, rather than at night, as exercise tends to give you a natural high and energise you, which could keep you awake at night. Exercising in the morning or during the afternoon will help you to sleep at night. It can clear your mind and reduce stress and tire out the body, ready for a good night’s sleep.

Keep a Routine

Once you’ve established good sleeping habits, stick to a routine. Your body clock will get used to this routine and this will help to ensure that you sleep well on a consistent basis.

Get Enough Sleep

If you’re not getting enough sleep, this will impact how you feel the next day and disrupt your sleeping patterns. Ensure that you go to bed at a reasonable time and avoid distractions such as mobile phones, televisions and tablets, which may keep you up. Most sleep experts recommend around 7-8 hours of sleep per night for adults.